Narratives Of Life Vs. Narratives Of Death

There are two types of narrative that an individual or culture can tell themselves about the meaning of life. Although there might be an infinitude of specific narratives, they all share enough features in common to divide them into two groups. The first are life narratives and the second are death narratives.

Life narratives are the original human spirituality. All natural spiritual traditions emphasise the passage of life through the four corners of the dharma wheel: through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. They also emphasise that these four seasons apply to the life of humans as well. In fact, this quadrichotomy describes the natural life path of everything that exists.

Narratives of life are all circular. This is why the holy symbols of all life religions are circular. The ouroboros, the Taijitu, the Quadrijitu and the dharma wheel are all circular. From this circularity the core spiritual truths of reincarnation and karma can be derived. After the Winter always comes another Spring.

Or, as the Bhagavad Gita puts it, “death is fixed for those who are born, and birth is fixed for those who die.”

Life narratives also emphasise gratitude. Being natural, being vital, one is grateful for life. As such, there is no desire to escape life, or to escape reality. There is no resentment, no slave morality. So life narratives celebrate the return of the Sun after the Winter Solstice, and they celebrate the peak of the Sun at the Summer Solstice, and in either case they are grateful.

Death narratives were invented later, for the sake of political control. Death narratives all promise the same thing: that you can escape the misery of life through obeying those pushing the narrative (usually a priest). So in order for a death narrative to catch on, there has to be widespread suffering.

Death narratives mostly arose after the advent of civilisation. Civilisation leads to the survival of individuals who would not have survived in a state of Nature. Most of these individuals can intuit that they are defective, and as a result they desire oblivion. This is especially true if, as is often the case, they were born into slavery.

When you have an overpopulation of useless eaters, promoting life narratives is dangerous. It can lead towards a total collapse of the ecosystem. Much better to promote death narratives, so that the population can return to a balance with Nature.

Narratives of death are linear. This is why the holy symbols of all death religions are made of straight lines (such as the Star of David and the Christian cross), or circles reduced to a minimum (such as the Islamic crescent) or both (such as the hammer and sickle).

All religious narratives that have an end times belief are narratives of death. A will to escape the world is a longing for death and thereby rejection of the world. Therefore it is a naysaying, a mental illness. Believing in an Armageddon or hoping to escape Samsara are both a rejection of the reality that the gods dreamed up for entertainment.

Materialism, with its Big Bang and Heat Death of the Universe concepts, is another linear narrative, and therefore another death narrative. Because it’s a death narrative, it belongs in the same category as the Abrahamic religions. Indeed, it was a Catholic priest who came up with the idea of the Big Bang in the first place, possibly to delegitimise the esoteric belief that all conscious beings are co-creators of the Universe.

Ultimately, materialism offers the same solace to those who hate life as the Abrahamic cults. The only difference is that there’s no priest to obey (perhaps scientists are the priesthood of materialism). All one has to do is wait until the physical body expires, whereupon the warm embrace of oblivion will envelop one for eternity.

Marxism, as Sri Dharma Pravartaka Archaya realised, is another form of Abrahamism. The narrative that the bourgeosie have to be destroyed before a Golden Age can begin is a relative to the narrative that Amalek/the heathens/the infidels have to be destroyed before Yahweh will return to Earth.

Marxists also share a personality type in common with Abrahamists. The vicious, petty, dishonourable conduct of both types is infamous. The predilection towards becoming a two-faced backstabber is shared by all who resent the world.

Gnosticism is yet another death narrative. The idea that the material world is inherently evil is borne of the same kind of resentment that motivates the other Abrahamisms. Gnosticism might be a step closer to the truth in that it recognises Yahweh as the Principle of Evil (a belief shared by Elementalism). But it is still a narrative that repudiates life in the physical world.

Believers in life narratives and believers in death narratives could not behave more differently. Believers in life narratives feel kindness for all other life and for the life process. Believers in death narratives invent practices like kosher and halal slaughter, and infant genital mutilation. That life narratives promote compassion and death narratives promote sadism is perhaps their most salient difference.


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Making Sense Of Abrahamic Morality

There are some 3 billion Abrahamists in the world, most of them Christians, Muslims and Jews. As such, understanding the human race requires that we understand the mindset of Abrahamists. It’s impossible to ask the Abrahamists about themselves, because they always lie to make their cults look good. So it’s necessary to take a non-Abrahamic perspective.

The most difficult thing to understand about Abrahamists is their contradictory nature. On the one hand, they all claim to have the blueprint for peace on Earth, if only more people would follow them. On the other, their history is littered with murders, tortures, witch burnings, rapes and massacres.

Elementalism provides the answers to the Abrahamic paradox.

In Elementalism, it is understood that Yahweh, the God of Abraham, is none other than the Principle of Evil. As a consequence, the religions that worship this god are evil ones. The followers of those religions are some degree of evil as well. Some are merely deluded, but the majority have wilfully chosen to promulgate evil, on account of that their souls are rotten.

Genuine spiritual traditions have always laboured the need to change oneself if one wishes to change the world, a mindset Gandhi summarised as “Be the change you want to see in the world.” As an anti-spirituality, Abrahamism seeks to change the world rather than change oneself. This is why Abrahamists are always on a moral crusade.

Whether it’s Jews with their tikkun olam or Christians and Muslims with their degeneracy, Abrahamists are obsessed with setting other people to rights, and ignoring their own flaws. Abrahamists have been instructed to go to war with the world for one ultimate, underlying purpose: to do evil.

Elemental Elementalism states: the true will of Abrahamists is “to cause as much harm and misery as they can, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual” (46:28). This line is the key to understanding Abrahamic morality.

Physical harm is shown by the Abrahamist’s love of child abuse. When New Zealand banned hitting children, it was mostly Christian pressure groups that came out in opposition. Even today, Christian fascists like Bob McCoskrie propagandise in favour of hitting children.

If Abrahamists aren’t bashing their kids they’re raping them. The extent of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church is legendary. The extent to which the Catholic Church covers up for child abusers among them is also legendary. But all Abrahamics abuse children.

Muslims have the concept of bacha bazi, in which young boys are bought and sold for dancing and sex. Jews practice metzitzah b’peh, in which a mohel sucks the blood from a freshly mutilated boy’s penis. Any normal, mentally healthy person who reads about metzitzah b’peh will understand intuitively that the people performing it are demons.

That the Abrahamist is constantly at war is also evidence of his sadism. Christians like to claim that the coming of their cult was the coming of an age of peace, as if the Thirty Years’ War never happened. There’s always an excuse for all the wars started by Christians. When Orthodox Russia invades Ukraine, and kills hundreds of thousands in the name of “desatanisation”, it somehow isn’t Christianity’s fault. Same as when George W Bush invades Iraq because he thought he heard the voice of Yahweh telling him to do so.

Muslims and Jews are no different. Muslims will claim that they only ever fight defensive wars, as if it were possible to conquer from Spain to Indonesia though only defensive warfare. Jews deny the existence of their mass murderers: they will tell you that Yagoda and Kaganovich were Russian, and that Kissinger was German.

The Abrahamist’s opposition to abortion also reveals his will to increase the suffering in the world. There are few ways to cause greater suffering than to force a mother to birth and raise a child she doesn’t want. But this is exactly why Abrahamists support forced births. They know that the psychological damage that tends to be inflicted on unwanted children creates a wave of misery that ripples through the whole society.

Emotional abuse is demonstrated by the Abrahamist’s love of ostracisation. Any cult member who starts asking questions is at risk of being expelled and never spoken to again by the others. The Abrahamic cults aren’t like normal religions, in that people are encouraged to explore a diversity of schools of thought. In Abrahamism, you’re given one truth, and everyone else is the enemy.

Out-group antipathy is so strong in Abrahamism that those suffering ostracisation often end up with Religious Trauma Syndrome. “You are not okay” and “you are not safe” are the two characteristic narratives of traumatic religion-based upbringings. They’re also characteristic narratives of Abrahamism.

This form of abuse is particularly vicious in Islam, where people leaving the cult are routinely murdered. Thirteen countries currently have the death penalty for apostasy, all of them Islamic shitholes. Seven of these also have the death penalty for blasphemy. One of easily imagine the type of person that this kind of emotional abuse tends to create.

Intellectual suffering is caused mostly by the Abrahamist’s opposition to education and learning.

Christians have always suppressed the educated. Celsus wrote of them in the second century “This is one of their rules. Let no man that is learned, wise, or prudent come among us: but if they be unlearned, or a child, or an idiot, let him freely come. So they openly declare that none but the ignorant, and those devoid of understanding, slaves, women, and children, are fit disciples for the God they worship.”

Such a mindset led to the murder of Hypatia, the murder of Giordano Bruno, and the 1,200 years of murder inbetween, known today as the Dark Ages. During this time, Christians destroyed so much of the ancient European knowledge that people forgot that the Earth went around the Sun (common knowledge in ancient Europe since the time of Aristarchus).

Today’s Christians now pretend they have always been in favour of science and learning (the Christians with the most chutzpah even claim their cult invented science). Muslims, on the other hand, don’t even pretend. They generally don’t care for reading, whether original works or in translation.

The greatest suffering caused by the Abrahamist is spiritual.

Firstly, they repress genuine spirituality. When Christians invaded Europe, they did not seek co-existence with the European religions, but rather sought to destroy them. The Massacre of Verden, in which 4,500 Saxon nobles were murdered for refusing to abandon the European religions, is probably the most famous example of the lengths to which they were willing to go to achieve this goal.

The War on Drugs is not usually understood as a Christian attempt to suppress genuine spirituality, but it is. The reason why Christians oppose the legalisation of cannabis, psilocybin and other spiritual sacraments is that they know these substances are spiritual sacraments. Therefore, they know that to prohibit them is to force people to suffer in spiritual darkness.

Secondly, Abrahamists promote lies in place of spirituality. The narrative that anyone who doesn’t follow the same religion as the Abrahamist is going to Hell is a psychological crime. It denies the fundamental spiritual truths of reincarnation and karma. So, too, Abrahamic narratives that the world is evil and that pleasure is evil.

The narrative that you can skip out on your karmic debt by pledging your soul to Rabbi Yeshua or to Muhammad is lunacy, a sop to the egos of the wilfully delusional. Hence the Abrahamists push it. Another lunacy is pushing an End Times narrative instead of the truth about the cyclical nature of history and of reality. The more lies, the more confusion; the more confusion, the more suffering.

In summary, Abrahamic morality can be simply understood as doing evil and attempts to justify doing evil. Abrahamists seek to maximise the suffering in the world so as to please their god Yahweh, the Principle of Evil. All of their moral actions follow logically from this.


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Does New Zealand Need A Sadhu System?

New Zealand is currently beset with the question of crime and punishment. The country appears torn between two failed approaches to justice: excessive softness and excessive hardness. Swinging back and forth between the two has led to great dissatisfaction with the Justice System and even talk of vigilante group formation.

Our attitude to justice reflects our moral confusion in the face of what has previously been called the Clown World Fork. Our basic morality is torn between two polar opposites: a wretched, pitiful, Christian doctrine of infinite forgiveness, and a sadistic, paranoid, bestial doctrine of utter destruction. Not having rational balance in our moral philosophy, we also don’t have it in our Justice System.

This has led us to a situation where gang member rapists get lighter sentences than people selling food without a licence. Outcomes like this are possible because we no longer have a shared sense of moral philosophy. There is no longer an agreed scale of heinousness, such that different crimes can be readily apportioned a length of punishment.

It’s time for a moral reset.

It’s time to admit that both Christianity and atheism are dead, and that neither are useful as moral philosophies any more. This means that it’s time to start experimenting with new philosophies. It’s obvious that some kind of new balance needs to be struck, between mercy and severity, for actual justice to be done.

In India there exists something that could be described as the sadhu system. In the sadhu system, criminals can repent by living a low-consumption lifestyle with a view to burning off accrued karmic debt, instead of going to prison. It’s a form of public repentance that New Zealand has no equivalent to. Perhaps we could benefit from one?

A New Zealand equivalent of the sadhu system would involve certain criminals, upon pleading guilty to a crime, to agree to forfeit the right to own property for a set period of time. In exchange, their basic food, clothing and shelter needs are met by the state, and they don’t go to prison or to home detention.

The logic is that many crimes, especially ones of property and violence, are ultimately motivated by egotism, and egotism is ultimately caused by a lack of spirituality. In other words, only a non-spiritual person would become so attached to the material world that they thought it was worth committing crimes to advance oneself here.

In the case of some criminals, dilemmas abound. Some are too dangerous to be allowed to roam the street, but at the same time there may be numerous downsides to sending them to prison. It’s apparent that a third approach is necessary.

This article suggests that certain criminals be offered the choice of prison or becoming part of a new, experimental sadhu system based on the Hindu model. This would entail that the criminal forfeit their right to own property or to accumulate wealth for a certain period of time, in exchange for agreeing to live as a spiritual penitent.

Indian sadhus use a lot of cannabis, which is known to be a spiritual sacrament that induces detachment from the material world. New Zealand sadhus could be given as much cannabis as they feel they need in order to develop beyond their innate clinging to the material world.

New Zealand doesn’t have many Hindu temples, so any introduction of a sadhu system might depend on the previous establishment of a national religion that can accommodate penitents. This might involve a new religion for the Age of Aquarius, such as Elementalism or similar. Perhaps funding could be directed to the construction of an Elementalist temple in every New Zealand town.

Elementalist temples in every town would mean that sadhus could travel as wandering ascetics from town to town, staying at the various temples and hanging out smoking cannabis with the Elementalist priests. These priests, trained in true psychology and not mere huckstering, will be able to help heal the souls of the various sadhus.

The advantages of such a system are many. For one, the Elementalist priests would serve as a kind of psychiatric service to the sadhus, helping them understand their place, and the place of humanity, in the grand scheme of creation. They would explain the laws of karma and the possible reasons for a lowly birth in this life.

The inevitable, knee-jerk reaction to this idea on the part of many is to bemoan the low productivity of the sadhus. But productivity and consumption go hand-in-hand. If we’re going to make a genuine effort to prevent the destruction of the Earth’s climate, we need to encourage people to live low-consumption lifestyles whenever possible.

A sadhu system could provide a neat and voluntary alternative path to rehabilitate criminals. We’re tried breaking them into submission and we’ve tried treating them like children – both approaches failed. Let’s try the spiritual approach, wherein we incentivise the criminally-minded to abandon the material world and to work on eliminating karmic debt.


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Religious Trauma Syndrome And Christianity

Christianity, being one of the world’s largest and most widespread religions, has also played a significant role in causing Religious Trauma Syndrome. The ways in which Christianity can cause Religious Trauma Syndrome are vast and vary widely depending on the denomination and intensity of the beliefs in question.

One of the ways in which Christianity causes Religious Trauma Syndrome is through the belief in original sin, the idea that all humans are born with sin because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Children are taught from a young age that they are inherently sinful and that needs to be ‘saved’ through faith in Jesus Christ.

This teaching creates an intense amount of guilt and shame within the individual, as they feel that they have done something wrong even when they have not committed any particular act. Believing that humans are inherently flawed can lead to self-loathing and negative self-talk, which can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental health.

Another way in which Christianity may lead to Religious Trauma Syndrome is through the concept of hell. Many Christians believe in a very literal hell, a place of eternal punishment for those who live a life of sin or do not believe in Jesus Christ. The idea of a literal hell can cause immense anxiety and fear in an individual, especially when coupled with the belief in original sin.

The fear of going to hell, not only for themselves but also for their loved ones, can cause significant psychological damage and can result in individuals living their lives in constant fear and worry about death and the afterlife.

Furthermore, Christian teachings around sex and sexuality can often cause immense harm to individuals who subscribe to them. Many denominations teach that sex is reserved for marriage, and anything outside of that context is considered sinful.

In addition, many denominations hold strict gender roles and homophobia, teaching that individuals should adhere to binary gender roles, and that same-sex relationships are morally wrong. The shaming and ostracizing of individuals who explore sexual possibilities can cause deep emotional and psychological trauma, leading to feelings of self-hatred, worthlessness, and isolation.

Finally, the concept of spiritual warfare is another aspect of Christianity that can cause Religious Trauma Syndrome. Many Christians believe in a literal devil that actively seeks to deceive and ensnare individuals into sin. Actions that can be deemed as following the devil’s path range from anything from watching certain movies to exploring other religions.

Believing that spiritual warfare exists can lead to a constant state of fear and anxiety, with people struggling to feel safe in the world around them. Individuals can become paranoid about every situation in which they find themselves, never sure if they are following the right path.

In conclusion, Religious Trauma Syndrome is a real and important phenomenon that can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental health. Christianity, and the ways in which it is often taught, can play a significant role in causing Religious Trauma Syndrome in individuals who have had these beliefs forced on them.


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