The Elementalist Conception Of Love And Hate

1. The fundamental emotions are love and hate, which correspond roughly to the Summer and Winter Poles of the Quadrijitu, respectively.

2. The gods are more greatly entertained by love and hate than by any other emotions, love and hate being the least subtle. The expression of either creates an energy that attracts the attention of the gods.

3. Love is the expression of the divine for itself, in a nurturing aspect.

4. Hate is also the expression of the divine for itself, in a protecting aspect.

5. Hate is the masculine expression of the same emotion that love is the feminine expression of. These expressions protect and nurture that which is of a similar energy to us.

6. Therefore, hate is not something to be avoided as it was in the watery Piscean Age, that era being a counter-reaction to the excesses of the fiery Arian Age before it. In the Aquarian Age of air, hate is a tool to be used when appropriate.

7. The Aquarian Age will strike a balance between the narcissistic sadism of the Arian Age and the narcissistic masochism of the Piscean Age.

8. Hate is a perfectly good emotion in the sense that it entertains the gods. Hate might cause an immense amount of suffering in this dimension, and it may prevent some amount of suffering in this dimension, but it reliably entertains the gods in the dimensions above.

9. Here the Elementalist must consult the Law of Assortative Reincarnation. However one chooses to use the power of hate, one will tend to reincarnate in worlds populated by beings who used hate in a similar way.

10. A person might suffer heavily if they allow themselves to give in to hate. In this sense, hate is like fire and love is like earth.

11. It is better to hate than to submit to the hateworthy.

12. This is not an admonition to puritanism, because every fragment of consciousness must decide for itself what entertains the gods. Again, consult the Law of Assortative Reincarnation.

13. It is better to love than to remain indifferent.

14. The correct emotion for the Elementalist is love. The Elementalist leads with love, but keeps hate in reserve.

15. As such, the Elementalist floats through life on currents of goodwill, but does not get taken advantage of.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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The Elementalist Conception Of The Creation Of God

1. Many people do not believe in God because they cannot conceive of how such a being could have come into existence.

2. Everything that exists has a creator, they reason, and so if a God existed that God must have had a creator.

3. This creator of God, in order to exist, must itself have been created. That creator, in turn, must also have been created, and so on. Therefore, reasons the normie, there cannot be a Prime Cause.

4. Reference to the First Tenet solves this dilemma.

5. The Elementalist knows that God is consciousness and that consciousness is the prima materia and therefore that God is the prima materia.

6. Therefore, the existence of God precedes the existence of the Great Fractal, and as such precedes the existence of the material world.

7. Therefore, God does not need to have been created. Being outside of manifestation, God existed one instant before the Great Fractal did.

8. In fact, God dreamed up the Great Fractal for entertainment. Some of the entertainment value in manifesting into the Great Fractal follows from the illusion of time, which otherwise does not occur to consciousness, the latter being eternal.

9. Belief in one-dimensional time limits one to belief in one-dimensional cause and effect.

10. Everything within the Great Fractal has a cause, and the ultimate cause in this great chain of causation is God. But because God exists prior to the Great Fractal, God also exists prior to creation and therefore to time.

11. Here one has to make reference to the Fourth Tenet. In its natural state, consciousness exists in perfect bliss, only coming to experience the Great Fractal when it willingly chooses to forget that bliss.

12. Therefore, nothing created God, because God is more fundamental than creation itself. In fact, God created everything else by choosing to forget Godself.

13. Each one of us is a fragment of the divine that has temporarily forgotten its true nature.

14. Knowing that God is the more fundamental than time and space is not a question of being taught or persuaded that this is the case. It’s a question of remembering that this is the case.

15. The Elementalist gently laughs when the argument is made that nothing divine can exist because it would violate the laws of causation. Then the Elementalist explains the First Tenet.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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The Good News of Elementalism

1. The Good News of Elementalism can be understood by considering the implications of the First and Fourth Tenets.

2. If consciousness is the prima materia, and if its natural state is bliss, then all suffering is necessarily temporary, and we all have eternal life.

3. The Good News of Elementalism is that the good guys win in the end.

4. Not only does every fragment of consciousness eventually overcome all suffering, whether in this life or a future one, but that consciousness lives forever.

5. Here a distinction must be made between the various kinds of suffering.

6. Physical suffering is when the physical body loses its homeostasis. Hunger, thirst, tiredness and loss of bodily integrity all cause suffering.

7. Emotional suffering is when the emotional body loses its peace. Fear, envy and rage cause suffering.

8. Mental suffering is when the mental body loses its understanding. Confusion and ignorance cause suffering.

9. Spiritual suffering is when the spiritual body loses the will to say Yes to life. Overcoming this suffering is the purpose of this book and is the purpose of Elementalism.

10. When a person desires something and does not get it, they suffer, but most forms of suffering can be ameliorated simply by letting go of the desire. In this category are emotional, mental and spiritual suffering.

11. Physical suffering is in a different category. Hunger, thirst and bleeding wounds have to be attended to, otherwise a person will die.

12. Therefore, ataraxia depends on learning to tell the difference between physical suffering on the one hand, and emotional, mental and spiritual suffering on the other.

13. With a distinction thus made, physical suffering can be dealt with by correct action, while emotional, mental and spiritual suffering can be dealt with by meditation.

14. The Good News of Elementalism reminds us that all suffering is temporary. Even if no action is taken, or if the suffering is overwhelming, the most extreme possible outcome is death, and thereby exfiltration from the material world and a return to God.

15. All fragments of consciousness have a path back to ataraxia. Whether we travel that path quickly or slowly does not change this.

16. The most important thing is not to strive for an end to suffering, for both suffering and its cessation are guaranteed, one way or another. The most important thing is that the gods are entertained by one’s efforts to strive for an end to suffering.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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Who Was I Before This Life? Where Was I Before This Life?

1. Elementalism provides the answers to all philosophical questions. As such, it provides the answer to the question of who you were in previous lives, and where your consciousness was before you were born.

2. Ignorant people ask themselves where they were before they were born as if they were their bodies and not their consciousness.

3. This leads to great confusion, as one’s physical form in this life is an expression of one’s genes, and those genes are unique to this life.

4. Therefore, what did I like look in my previous life? What social role did I fill? And where was this society located?

5. Knowing consciousness to be the prima materia, the Elementalist knows that these are deceptive questions.

6. A person is not their body, therefore who they were in previous lives was whoever their consciousness incarnated as.

7. This incarnation would have been a function of the frequency of that person’s consciousness.

8. This incarnation could have been anything, depending on that person’s frequency of consicousness.

9. The physical world is not the prima materia, and, as such, all fragments of consciousness are not located anywhere physical, but are rather perceiving some subset of the Great Fractal.

10. You have always been the fragment of consciousness that you are, ever since it separated from the divine in the intial act of creation.

11. This fragment of consciousness is eternal until it is recalled by the divine. The perceptions that pass through this fragment of consciousness are not of primary importance.

12. Thus, you could have been anyone in a previous life.

13. The frequency of the world in which you incarnated in this life is a function of the frequency that you ended your previous life with.

14. The frequency of the world into which you incarnated in your previous life was a function of the frequency of your consciousness in the life before that.

15. The frequency of anywhere you found yourself in the past will be a function of the frequency of your consciousness at the time.

16. The further back you go through the reincarnations, the more different your frequency becomes and so the more different your lives become.

17. You were still yourself in all of your previous lives, and you were wherever you deserved to be based on the frequency of your consciousness at the time.

18. You have been Cleopatra, and Napoleon, and Ghengis Khan, in previous lives. The only question is how many incarnations ago. The more similar your frequency of consciousness is to those people, the more recently.

19. It’s possible to rise above the life you’re living now, and to see several of the lives you have lived previously, stretching away through the Great Fractal in an illusion of time.

20. Your future self will ask themselves who they were in previous lives, and, if they are psychically gifted, they might develop the ability to look back and see you live this life now.


This chapter is an excerpt from Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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