Clean And Dirty Information, And How To Tell The Difference

This essay describes a concept in information science. This is a concept that is of extreme importance in today’s Post-Truth Age, now that the media is even more full of propaganda than usual. It relates to the art and science of deciding whether a given set of information is trustworthy.

There are already conceptions of clean vs. dirty data. However, those conceptions are inadequate, because cleanliness is considered the same thing as accuracy. As such, they are not useful, because it would be simpler and easier just to use the term ‘accurate’ instead of ‘clean’.

A useful conception of clean vs. dirty information has to take into account the moral dimension of the people promulgating the information. Essentially, then, clean information comes from a clean source who cares about the truth only, with no view to the propaganda value of the information, and dirty information comes from a dirty source, who doesn’t care about the truth at all.

This division is very simple, but applying it in the real world of propaganda is highly complex.

For one thing, it takes great knowledge of the world and of the people in it to make accurate judgments about other people’s biases. The usual, poorly-educated approach is to trust people based on whether they have attributes in common with oneself: race, class, education, occupation etc. The more qualities they have in common, the more trusted.

Another poorly-educated approach used by many people is to determine truth based on whether the speaker has a high rank in the listener’s herd or not. So one’s pastor, boss, father or club leader becomes the authority to which one listens. All that matters is a high position in a friendly dominance hierarchy. This was the approach described in detail by Edward Bernays in Propaganda.

It can safely be said that all information from a political source is dirty. Any press release put out by a political party can be considered filthy. So can any article or book written by a member of a political party. The greater the influence of politics on any source of information, the dirtier it is.

It can also safely be said that most information from religious sources, particularly Abrahamic ones, is dirty. This is especially true of those who are seeking to gain followers for money or political power. Anyone who says that you have to obey them or suffer everlasting pushishment in a Hell Realm can be confidently written off as a dirty source. But in this regard, as with others, the world’s religions vary greatly.

Here it’s necessary to look at the reputations of the people pushing the information. Have they murdered their way around the world over the centuries? Do they regularly sexually abuse their children? Do they practice barbarisms such as infant genital mutilation? Do they have transparently sadistic animal slaughter protocols?

Perhaps there was once a time when the mainstream media was a clean source of information. This was back in the times when honest people chose to become journalists for the sake of spreading the truth (i.e. before the Charlie Mitchells took over). Today, no rational or intelligent person can trust anything in the mainstream media.

It used to be possible to trust scientists, because a lot of the people drawn to academia are the sort of person who values truth above merely material concerns such as political power or wealth. But then corporations started buying research favourable to their products. It turns out that scientists are only slightly harder to buy than politicians.

Who actually does tell the truth?

In order to reliably tell the truth, a person has to believe that there are positive consequences for speaking truth and negative consequences for telling lies. They have to believe in something like karma, or at least the Law of Attraction, before they can be trusted to put the truth before their own interests.

This is to say that it’s possible to trust genuinely spiritual people. But there, again, is another major problem: usually it’s impossible to tell if someone is genuinely spiritual or not. The low-IQ approach is to trust people at the top of the same religious herd as yourself. High-IQ people go on the reputation of the source among other high-IQ people.

If you would ask the ten most intelligent people you know who they consider clean sources of information, and if more than one of them suggested the same source, you could be reasonably sure that source was clean. This is the same logic as academic peer review, and, while an effective way of distinguishing clean from dirty, it’s far from infallible.

The tough news is that there’s no truly reliable way to tell if someone is a clean source of information other than going through everything they have written or said, comparing all facts therein stated to known truths, and subjecting their logic to the most rigourous examination. If they regularly make predictions that turn out to be false, that’s a good sign they’re a dirty source.

Perhaps the two rules of thumb are firstly: never trust an authority figure, because they have reason to lie to you. Secondly: prefer to trust someone who is trusted by smart people and distrusted by dumb people.

The great thing about clean information is that it can be absorbed without the need to take time and energy correcting for bias. A truly clean source of information is worth gold in the information marketplace of 2023. In this age of pervasive AI-generated content though, best of luck finding it.


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The Great Resistance, Fully Realised

The Great Awakening appears to be going very slowly. The control system is very clever, and it knows that there are various ways to keep a population submissive. One of the tried-and-true methods is to work the population so hard that it doesn’t have time to organise an awakening or revolution. So before there can be a Great Awakening, there has to be a Great Resistance.

The Great Resistance has been described as a pushback from workers who want to keep working at home. The Coronavirus lockdowns led to a large number of workers working from home, and most of those workers decided that they preferred that to the daily grind of commuting for hours on top of a full day of work.

Many workers have been confused by their bosses’ demands for them to come back to the office post-Covid. It’s hard to see what, apart from a sadistic need for control, would motivate them to demand their workers commute when it isn’t necessary. This has led to some resentment, and that resentment has led to resistance.

Some have taken the Great Resistance concept further, to the point where it has become a Western version of the Chinese “lying flat movement“. After all, the reasoning goes, if you want to save on your commuting time because it’s wasted, why not save on other forms of wasted time as well? Such as working for a wage that you can never own a home and raise a family on?

There’s potentially much more to it than even that.

The Great Resistance has the potential to become an entirely new social movement towards resisting tyranny. If it can combine the right-wingers concerned about losing free speech and other freedoms, and the left-wingers concerned about unaffordable rents and housing, such a movement could have a major societal impact.

The Great Resistance could be a resistance of many things – not just of our material exploitation but also our spiritual exploitation.

Perhaps the most obvious and immediate cause for the Great Resistance relates to the share of wealth accrued by the bottom 99% of society. At the end of 2023, young and working-class people all over the West are in a state of deep malaise. The chance of owning a home that a family can be raised in seems remote for most of those people.

The first cause, then, is liberating wealth from the top 1%. Housing, especially, must be liberated so that people at an age to start families can afford it. This will involve shifting the entire balance of power back from the hoarders of land to the workers of it. Immigration must be stopped so that employers are forced to pay fair wages to locals.

The workday must be reduced so that Westerners have time for something other than work. Everything that sucks time from people unnecessarily, whether commuting, bullshit jobs, unpaid overtime, being always-on-call etc. must be abolished, by law. If the average worker today has become twice as productive as the average worker in the 1970s, they should see at least half of that benefit.

Resisting corporate propaganda is part of this. If any revolutionary social movement is to be successful, its members have to be ideologically clear. This means that they will have to resist the messaging of the mainstream media, the television in particular. Resist the corporate media’s tireless attempts to insert its advertising into your brain. Consume clean information.

Another part of the Great Resistance must also involve resisting shit food and drugs. Some Clown Worlders have coined the term ‘goyslop’ to describe the low-quality garbage food that pervades Western culture. The high goyslop consumption rates are partially because all the energy and time that would have been used for cooking is stolen by the employer. This must be resisted.

Naturally, this also involves getting fit. It’s not just about resisting slop but also resisting laziness. The Great Resistance will involve resistance training. Physical strength is a tangible sign of one’s refusal to collapse into the dirt. The attempts by the ruling class to drive the rest of us into the ground must be resisted.

Also, if any success is to be had, the members of the revolutionary social movement must resist spiritual lies intended to induce submission. The Great Resistance must continue the work and sacrifice made by those throughout history who have battled spiritual terrorism, in whichever form it has arisen. Death narratives must be rejected, and life narratives must be emphasised.

Fully realising the Great Resistance, then, will go far beyond merely working from home. It will involve a complete rebalancing of the relative powers of workers and capital owners, in both physical and metaphysical spheres. Previous attempts to achieve this rebalance have failed, mostly because working-class leaders were replaced by ruling-class lackeys. It’s time to try from a different angle.


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The Point Of Pushing A Language You Don’t Understand Is To Humiliate You

Most people have noticed all the Boomers getting mad recently about Maori language. Those of us who don’t watch the news have trouble comprehending the extent to which Boomers feel humiliated by non-English language use in mainstream media. The tendency among the young is to laugh in mockery, but there is a sinister agenda behind the control system’s actions.

It’s true that it’s humiliating being spoken to in a language you don’t understand. It feels very much like being a child again, helpless and not respected. It also feels like when you’re out of your depth intellectually, when you are stupid.

In either case, it’s a deeply disempowering and unsettling experience for most people (those of us who have lived in non-English speaking areas for a while usually don’t care, but few are privileged enough to have such an experience). Especially for those old enough to have already developed a grievance about the degree of future shock that modern life placed them under.

However, humiliating the plebs is precisely why the ruling class push languages that aren’t understood.

Theodore Dalrymple once stated that “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.”

The Communists today are now part of Globohomo, the authoritarian Communist-Capitalist alliance that rules over Clown World. The logic of authoritarianism, however, is the same. Just as the schoolyard bully and the domestic tyrant induce submission through abuse, so too does the authoritarian government.

They can’t get away with corporal punishment anymore, so they focus on psychological punishment. Humiliation is the major component of that.

It is always authoritarians who bully people into pronouncing words the way those authoritarians want them pronounced. The libertarian is happy to let people pronounce words different ways, just like they’re happy to let people follow different religions. It’s just culture, part of the rich smorgasbord of life. Not so the authoritarian.

For the authoritarian, it’s always a matter of “respect” that you do what you’re told. You have to kneel down and obey your masters otherwise someone, somewhere, will be disrespected.

The authoritarian puts signs up telling the local people how to pronounce their own street names (see image at top, from outside the Nelson Library). As per the Dalrymple quote, it doesn’t correspond to reality to state that the people who live somewhere don’t know how to pronounce their own streets and neighbourhoods, and that they need to be told by the Government. But stating such absurdities increases the humiliation, so they do it.

The message is that you are too stupid to know how to pronounce your own streets and neighbourhoods. Therefore, you have to be taught the same way you were taught basic life lessons in kindergarten.

The implication is that everything about your culture might prove to be wrong. If you didn’t even know how to pronounce your own street, how can you be sure that free speech is really important?

The undertone is simple: you don’t belong here.

Forcing Maori language serves to remind the majority of New Zealand that this is someone else’s country. No matter how long your ancestors have lived here, you don’t really belong. Therefore, there’s no need to struggle for freedom or dignity. There’s no need to fight to rid New Zealand of political corruption. Just give up!

This is also why the control system tirelessly hounds you about pronouncing words incorrectly. If you have to be told, over and over again, how to pronounce Tauranga correctly, maybe you’re stupid? And, if you’re stupid, maybe the Government should just get on with things without needing your input?

Same deal with putting Maori language first on road signs and the names of Government departments. The whole point of this is not to encourage Maori langauge use. The point is to humiliate and, through humiliation, to induce submission to the ruling class.

None of this is an argument against the Maori language. I agree that te reo is a treasure and that learning to speak it will open up new avenues of thought. I agree that there are concepts in Maori that non-Maoris would benefit from learning. I agree that bilingual children tend to be smarter and have a much easier time learning further languages.

The best way to promote it, however, would be to emphasise such rational and logical arguments without force. That way, there wouldn’t be such a powerful counterreaction to it.

The force, however, is the point, because it humiliates. Humiliation engenders submission, which is the end goal of authoritarians everywhere.


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Making Sense Of Abrahamic Morality

There are some 3 billion Abrahamists in the world, most of them Christians, Muslims and Jews. As such, understanding the human race requires that we understand the mindset of Abrahamists. It’s impossible to ask the Abrahamists about themselves, because they always lie to make their cults look good. So it’s necessary to take a non-Abrahamic perspective.

The most difficult thing to understand about Abrahamists is their contradictory nature. On the one hand, they all claim to have the blueprint for peace on Earth, if only more people would follow them. On the other, their history is littered with murders, tortures, witch burnings, rapes and massacres.

Elementalism provides the answers to the Abrahamic paradox.

In Elementalism, it is understood that Yahweh, the God of Abraham, is none other than the Principle of Evil. As a consequence, the religions that worship this god are evil ones. The followers of those religions are some degree of evil as well. Some are merely deluded, but the majority have wilfully chosen to promulgate evil, on account of that their souls are rotten.

Genuine spiritual traditions have always laboured the need to change oneself if one wishes to change the world, a mindset Gandhi summarised as “Be the change you want to see in the world.” As an anti-spirituality, Abrahamism seeks to change the world rather than change oneself. This is why Abrahamists are always on a moral crusade.

Whether it’s Jews with their tikkun olam or Christians and Muslims with their degeneracy, Abrahamists are obsessed with setting other people to rights, and ignoring their own flaws. Abrahamists have been instructed to go to war with the world for one ultimate, underlying purpose: to do evil.

Elemental Elementalism states: the true will of Abrahamists is “to cause as much harm and misery as they can, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual” (46:28). This line is the key to understanding Abrahamic morality.

Physical harm is shown by the Abrahamist’s love of child abuse. When New Zealand banned hitting children, it was mostly Christian pressure groups that came out in opposition. Even today, Christian fascists like Bob McCoskrie propagandise in favour of hitting children.

If Abrahamists aren’t bashing their kids they’re raping them. The extent of child sex abuse in the Catholic Church is legendary. The extent to which the Catholic Church covers up for child abusers among them is also legendary. But all Abrahamics abuse children.

Muslims have the concept of bacha bazi, in which young boys are bought and sold for dancing and sex. Jews practice metzitzah b’peh, in which a mohel sucks the blood from a freshly mutilated boy’s penis. Any normal, mentally healthy person who reads about metzitzah b’peh will understand intuitively that the people performing it are demons.

That the Abrahamist is constantly at war is also evidence of his sadism. Christians like to claim that the coming of their cult was the coming of an age of peace, as if the Thirty Years’ War never happened. There’s always an excuse for all the wars started by Christians. When Orthodox Russia invades Ukraine, and kills hundreds of thousands in the name of “desatanisation”, it somehow isn’t Christianity’s fault. Same as when George W Bush invades Iraq because he thought he heard the voice of Yahweh telling him to do so.

Muslims and Jews are no different. Muslims will claim that they only ever fight defensive wars, as if it were possible to conquer from Spain to Indonesia though only defensive warfare. Jews deny the existence of their mass murderers: they will tell you that Yagoda and Kaganovich were Russian, and that Kissinger was German.

The Abrahamist’s opposition to abortion also reveals his will to increase the suffering in the world. There are few ways to cause greater suffering than to force a mother to birth and raise a child she doesn’t want. But this is exactly why Abrahamists support forced births. They know that the psychological damage that tends to be inflicted on unwanted children creates a wave of misery that ripples through the whole society.

Emotional abuse is demonstrated by the Abrahamist’s love of ostracisation. Any cult member who starts asking questions is at risk of being expelled and never spoken to again by the others. The Abrahamic cults aren’t like normal religions, in that people are encouraged to explore a diversity of schools of thought. In Abrahamism, you’re given one truth, and everyone else is the enemy.

Out-group antipathy is so strong in Abrahamism that those suffering ostracisation often end up with Religious Trauma Syndrome. “You are not okay” and “you are not safe” are the two characteristic narratives of traumatic religion-based upbringings. They’re also characteristic narratives of Abrahamism.

This form of abuse is particularly vicious in Islam, where people leaving the cult are routinely murdered. Thirteen countries currently have the death penalty for apostasy, all of them Islamic shitholes. Seven of these also have the death penalty for blasphemy. One of easily imagine the type of person that this kind of emotional abuse tends to create.

Intellectual suffering is caused mostly by the Abrahamist’s opposition to education and learning.

Christians have always suppressed the educated. Celsus wrote of them in the second century “This is one of their rules. Let no man that is learned, wise, or prudent come among us: but if they be unlearned, or a child, or an idiot, let him freely come. So they openly declare that none but the ignorant, and those devoid of understanding, slaves, women, and children, are fit disciples for the God they worship.”

Such a mindset led to the murder of Hypatia, the murder of Giordano Bruno, and the 1,200 years of murder inbetween, known today as the Dark Ages. During this time, Christians destroyed so much of the ancient European knowledge that people forgot that the Earth went around the Sun (common knowledge in ancient Europe since the time of Aristarchus).

Today’s Christians now pretend they have always been in favour of science and learning (the Christians with the most chutzpah even claim their cult invented science). Muslims, on the other hand, don’t even pretend. They generally don’t care for reading, whether original works or in translation.

The greatest suffering caused by the Abrahamist is spiritual.

Firstly, they repress genuine spirituality. When Christians invaded Europe, they did not seek co-existence with the European religions, but rather sought to destroy them. The Massacre of Verden, in which 4,500 Saxon nobles were murdered for refusing to abandon the European religions, is probably the most famous example of the lengths to which they were willing to go to achieve this goal.

The War on Drugs is not usually understood as a Christian attempt to suppress genuine spirituality, but it is. The reason why Christians oppose the legalisation of cannabis, psilocybin and other spiritual sacraments is that they know these substances are spiritual sacraments. Therefore, they know that to prohibit them is to force people to suffer in spiritual darkness.

Secondly, Abrahamists promote lies in place of spirituality. The narrative that anyone who doesn’t follow the same religion as the Abrahamist is going to Hell is a psychological crime. It denies the fundamental spiritual truths of reincarnation and karma. So, too, Abrahamic narratives that the world is evil and that pleasure is evil.

The narrative that you can skip out on your karmic debt by pledging your soul to Rabbi Yeshua or to Muhammad is lunacy, a sop to the egos of the wilfully delusional. Hence the Abrahamists push it. Another lunacy is pushing an End Times narrative instead of the truth about the cyclical nature of history and of reality. The more lies, the more confusion; the more confusion, the more suffering.

In summary, Abrahamic morality can be simply understood as doing evil and attempts to justify doing evil. Abrahamists seek to maximise the suffering in the world so as to please their god Yahweh, the Principle of Evil. All of their moral actions follow logically from this.


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