Most Westerners Are Now Slaves

New Zealand was appalled yesterday by the news that a Samoan chief named Joseph Matamata had been convicted of enslaving 13 of his fellow Samoans. Matamata had brought the slaves to New Zealand as cheap labour to work in vineyards and orchards, and had kept for himself the vast bulk of their wages. New Zealand may have been appalled, but the average Western worker is a slave anyway.

A slave is defined as a person “who is someone forbidden to quit their service for an enslaver, and who is treated by the enslaver as their property. Slavery typically involves the enslaved person being made to perform some form of work while also having their location dictated by the enslaver. Historically, when people were enslaved, it was often because they were indebted, broke the law, or suffered a military defeat.”

The position of the average worker in the current economic and political paradigm of the West fits this definition. We currently live in a system where the average worker can labour all week long and have all of their productivity taken off them so that they are left with nothing at the end of it all. They might, in theory, be able to choose their location, but in practice they either don’t have enough money to change location or the remuneration is no better anywhere else.

The chattel slavery of the American South before the Civil War is held up as one of history’s worst human rights abuses. We are told that slaves in America were treated so poorly that they had every moral right to kill their enslavers. This is a belief with potentially serious implications, given that chattel slaves weren’t treated significantly worse than the average Western worker, who also labours all week to be left with nothing.

Profits, taxes and rents are so high in New Zealand that even those earning above the median wage are left with almost nothing that they can put towards owning their own house one day. Not only is the average house price now close to a million dollars, and not only is saving any real money restricted to the very wealthiest of income-earners, but what little savings one can accrue is getting rapidly eaten up by interest.

According to the New Zealand Government’s own cost of living calculator, a general practitioner living in Auckland with a partner and two children and making $133,000 per year will run a $317 deficit every week if they want an average standard of living. So not even a qualified doctor can afford to save anything towards a house now.

If a qualified doctor, in the top 1% of the population by education, can’t afford a house, that effectively means that no worker can. The only people who can afford houses now are those who already have money and those who manage the workers on their behalf, and the rest of us are just slaves, doomed to labour our entire lives for a standard of living lower than that our ancestors enjoyed 100 years ago.

Some might argue that the situation of the New Zealand worker is different today because, although the New Zealand worker is left with nothing after their workweek, at least they don’t have to endure the physical abuse that chattel slaves did.

But physical abuse has simply been replaced with psychological abuse. The New Zealand worker isn’t hit with whips, but they are told every day in the media that they are racist, sexist, hate speakers, wrongthinkers and generally a river of filth. This psychological abuse has a similar end effect to physical abuse: it depresses the spirit into a state of abject submission.

Moreover, at least a slave in the American South could rely on the solidarity of his fellow slaves. The New Zealand worker can’t even rely on that. Should the New Zealand worker complain of their poor situation, they’ll be told to “suck it up” or “just work harder”. As if how hard one works means anything when all one’s productivity is taken away!

Although workers have an easier time of it in other Western countries (Europe, North America and Australia), these countries are all also trapped in the low wage/high house prices and inflation death spiral.

Goethe once said that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Workers of the West don’t have physical shackles around their ankles, but they have psychological shackles around their minds. These shackles have made them submit to a system where the vast majority of workers are left with no surplus for even the most physically or psychologically challenging work.


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Why You Incarnated Here

Many an Earthling has looked around themselves and asked: “What the fuck am I doing here?” This planet is so horrific that it can seem as if it must be a place of punishment. Planet Earth is, indeed, one of the Hell Realms. The explanation for why we incarnated here, and not somewhere better, is a fundamental part of Elementalist philosophy.

The Law of Assortative Reincarnation teaches us that the frequency of the consciousness of each of us is matched after death with the frequency of the part of the Great Fractal that we reincarnate into in the next life. High-frequency souls that tend to produce bliss in their near environment incarnate into blissful parts of the Great Fractal, while low-frequency souls incarnate into awesome parts of the Great Fractal.

Spiritual adepts can sense that, because everything incarnating into this realm must die, and because most deaths are extremely painful, this is not one of the higher realms. This world is, in fact, one of the Hell Realms, in which consciousnesses come to suffer for the sake of purifying themselves.

In order to incarnate into one of the higher realms, such as the Heavenly Realms, a consciousness has to be high-frequency enough to match the beings in that Heavenly Realm. Those beings don’t want – and don’t deserve – to spend time around a selfish, abusive, retarded low-frequency consciousness. Low-frequency consciousnesses ought to quarantined along with the rest of their kind.

A high-frequency consciousness can be trusted to behave in a way that does not unjustly cause suffering to other consciousnesses. It will not act sadistically, only causing harm to prevent greater harm. That high frequency, then, is like an entry ticket to otherwise exclusive places: the higher realms.

A low-frequency consciousness, by contrast, cannot be trusted to behave correctly in one of the higher realms. As such, they incarnate into a lower one, so that the suffering inherent to that realm is sufficient to motivate them to raise their frequency. The lower the frequency of the consciousness, the less subtle the lessons have to be.

In much the same way that the body raises its temperature to fight off a fever, a soul can purify itself by entering into a high-intensity environment. The further away from God’s natural state of bliss one incarnates, the more awesome the experience, and therefore the greater the impression one’s lessons make upon one’s consciousness.

All of us incarnated into this realm because, in our previous lives, we allowed our consciousness to fall to a particularly low frequency. Because this world is a slaughterhouse in which animals kill each other all the time, we know that, in our previous lives, we must have acted with murderous intent (or perhaps suicidal intent).

The 24/7/365 abbatoir that is Planet Earth exists because we killed other beings in our previous lives.

Your author can remember one such deed. I was a duke, in some kingdom across the Great Fractal from here, and had a great many loyal underlings. One of them I sliced up with a sword, suspecting him of plotting against me. In reality, he was entirely innocent. Because of the severity and the unjustness of this slaying, I incurred an enormous karmic debt.

For this grotesque act of evil I was cast down into this lowly realm, to incarnate into a deeply traumatised family for which violence was seen as normal.

Deeds like these – of homicidal selfishness – consign souls to Hell Realms in which killing and death is a part of everyday reality. Hence, we incarnate on Earth, doomed to die, doomed to watch that which we love die, doomed to constantly feel the shadow of death across our hearts. We suffer here until our consciousnesses are purified enough to allow us entry into a higher realm.

The vibrations of the beings in the higher realms are much the same as the vibrations of the beings in this realm. But their frequencies are all higher than the frequencies of the beings in this realm. As such, in the higher realms, it is much less common to see hatred, fear and violence.

Ultimately, all of us incarnated here because this is where we deserve to be. We don’t deserve to be in the company of either higher or lower consciousnesses than our own. As such, we ended up here, in a world full of violence and death, but a world that could be much worse. May all of us summon the will to overcome, and to purify our consciousnesses so that we may rise above the Hell Realms.


This chapter refers to the text of Elemental Elementalism, the foundational scripture of the new religion of the Age of Aquarius.


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VJM Publishing – Happy To Admit We’re Propagandists!

In the West we like to pretend that our communications are not propaganda. Not only does the mainstream media tell the truth, but our politicians are also honest. Propaganda is something that totalitarian regimes engage in, not the free press of Western countries. VJM Publishing is the only media outfit willing to admit that this narrative is horseshit.

Ironically, the narrative that only the bad guys use propaganda is itself propaganda. Our authorities have claimed that all of the Nazi rhetoric was propaganda, all of the Soviet rhetoric was propaganda, and now all of the Chinese rhetoric is propaganda. Their rhetoric of lies contrasts sharply with our rhetoric, which is all based on the truth.

Of course, the Nazis told their people that Allied rhetoric was propaganda, and the Soviets told their people that Western rhetoric was propaganda, and the Chinese told their people that Western rhetoric was propaganda. The enemies of our rulers have exactly the same opinion about our communications that we have about theirs.

It’s all bullshit.

Western rulers have a long history of telling lies to gain support for their objectives. From the lies about Germans bayonetting Belgian babies in World War One, to the lies about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, to the lies about Saddam Hussein building weapons of mass destruction, Western populations have been bathed in propaganda ever since we were old enough to be dumped in front of a radio or television.

Not a single one of us knows life without a constant barrage of propaganda.

The truth is that all sides use propaganda – and they must. As Edward Bernays said, if you don’t use propaganda, your enemy will. And that enemy propaganda will destroy you, as it will normalise hatred for you in the public opinion. Every political position must be propagandised for, otherwise it will be propagandised against, making support for it untenable.

In light of these facts, VJM Publishing are happy to admit we’re propagandists. We don’t even pretend to be the reader’s sole source of truth. VJM Publishing merely publishes our narratives, and if you don’t like it, you’re free to argue with us about it! Debate us at any time!

VJM Publishing propagandises for two major causes.

The first is alternative centrism. This is the revolutionary political philosophy that solves the problems created by existing political traditions. Alt centrism not only rejects the existing political establishment, but it also rejects the alt left and the alt right, who are both considered dangerous extremists. As we have previously argued, alt centrism is a philosophy whose time has come.

Alt centrism does away with the bickering and resentment of those who hold the other five political positions, in favour of a focus on understanding the motivations of those five groups of people. Understanding their motivations, it’s easier to see where those motivations can be fairly accepted, and where they must be rejected. These applications are expressed in alt centrist theory as the Five Acceptances and the Five Rejections.

The second is Elementalism. This is the revolutionary religious and spiritual philosophy that solves the problems created by existing religious and spiritual dogmas. Much like alt centrism, Elementalism takes the good aspects of existing religious and spiritual traditions and combines them into one coherent philosophy, best expressed in the book Elemental Elementalism.

Elementalism cleverly draws a neat distinction between the traditions of the past and the traditions of the future. The religious dogmas of the Age of Pisces are jettisoned in favour of a modern conception of the perennial philosophy. Elementalism is the religion of the Age of Aquarius, and at VJM Publishing we unashamedly work to promote it.

No matter what we propagandise for, we are happy to admit that we’re propagandists. We want you to think more positively about alt centrism and about Elementalism, and we want you to tell other people about these ideas. Why deny it? To deny that we are propagandists would be like when Jacinda Ardern denied that she told lies – a falsehood so obviously false that to assert it is ludicrous.

VJM Publishing is so happy to admit that we’re propagandists that we go by the epithet “God’s Propagandists”, and Vice-President Vince McLeod goes by the epithet “God’s Propagandist”. We embrace our roles as propagandists for truth, freedom and justice.

None of this means that we tell lies. To the contrary – our reputation as an honest and accurate source of information is invaluable to us. As the ongoing collapse of the mainstream media demonstrates, propaganda is ineffective if its source has a reputation for lying. So to be the most effective propagandists we can be, we strive for truth and accuracy. This is why our latest work, Best of VJMP 2021, has 16 pages of references!

As long as VJM Publishing exists, we will propagandise in support of scientific and spiritual truths.


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A System That We Can All Be Proud Of

In a fiery exchange between a mainstream media lackey and CounterSpin Media host Kelvyn Alp, Alp summarised the desire of the Wellington protesters and the freedom movement more generally: a system that we can all be proud of. In the absence of any better suggestion, this essay outlines what such a system might look like.

There is one big problem with the current New Zealand system: the vast majority of the benefits from all the work performed go to a very small number of people. Under our current economic arrangement, the benefits of labour don’t go to the labourer but to the owner of the land upon which the labour was performed. This is called capitalism, and if you don’t like it you’re responsible for tens of millions of deaths by starvation in Russia and China.

It’s an ugly system. It’s not much different to medieval feudalism, in which the vast majority of people were serfs beholden to a lord. The serfs worked all day, and then the lord came in and took their productivity away for his own purposes, leaving the serfs with barely enough to get through to the next tax day (if they were lucky).

Being a New Zealander is a constant humiliation.

Not only must one deal with the fact that one’s wages hardly go anywhere, but one must also deal with the pettiness of average New Zealanders. This pettiness follows from being a small, isolated country infested with the slave morality of Christianity. There’s nothing we love more than ripping our neighbours down once they make something of themselves. Anyone with any self-esteem has to be destroyed.

Nothing about the way our system is run engenders pride. We have to aim higher.

A system that we can all be proud of would entail change from the ground up. It would require a total paradigm shift from a mentality of profit before all, to a mentality of alleviating the suffering of the New Zealand nation. It would require raising solidarity between the various communities of New Zealand, rather than setting them against each other.

The first step in bringing this about is to restore basic dignity to the average worker by making it possible for them to get ahead.

As of right now, the average New Zealand worker has no chance of ever owning their own home. Wages are so low in comparison to house prices and rents that the average house now costs over 25,000 hours of labour at the average wage. This contrasts rudely with the average house price in 1992: 7,000 hours of labour at the average wage. Not only does the average worker have trouble buying a house, they have trouble saving at all.

It’s impossible for the average worker to be proud of a system that exploits them to such an extent. It’s like asking a plantation slave to be proud of the plantation system. Our economy must be completely redesigned, so that it once again becomes possible for the average worker to buy a house and raise a family on their wage.

To this end, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand ought to be given an entirely new remit: to alleviate the suffering of the New Zealand people. This new remit would replace the existing focus on inflation and unemployment. The problem with this existing focus is that it inclines the Reserve Bank to drop interest rates to the floor for the sake of encouraging borrowing (and thereby spending), but these low interest rates just lead to ballooning house prices.

Also to this end, the mass importation of cheap labour must stop immediately. There is nothing that has lowered the standard of living of the average Kiwi worker more than having been forced to compete with imported cheap labour. Increasing the supply of cheap labour inevitably lowers the price of that labour, and New Zealand’s historical addiction to it is one of the prime reasons why our wages are in the toilet. We have to go clean.

A final step is that tax incentives must be used to attract investment in productive capital. A land tax must be introduced to shift investment from land banking to business. New Zealand’s productivity is infamously low, the result of many things, but foremost among them is the lack of capital investment. Because New Zealand employers have historically always been able to import cheap labour, they have not been incentivised to invest in productive capital.

None of these suggestions require jingoism, supremacy or xenophobia. New Zealand doesn’t need to denigrate other nations in order to create a system that we can all be proud of. But we have to give our own people a fair deal. And this starts with giving the everyday Kiwi a fair standard of living for full-time work. That a full-time worker can afford a decent house that they can raise a family in could be the basis of a system that we could all be proud of.


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