An Exhaustive List Of All The Times Clown World Chronicles Mentions ‘Jew’, ‘Jews’ or ‘Jewish’

Having just had my right to free expression violated by TradeMe because of an accusation that one of my works, Clown World Chronicles, contained “antisemitic and racist content”, I felt obliged to defend myself in this article.

The fact is that my work – one of political humour, not “intolerance, hatred or violence” – mentions ‘Jew’, ‘Jews’ or ‘Jewish’ only 12 times, and none of those times are in an antisemitic or racist context.

1 (Chapter 25): “The universalist creed of Christianity declares that ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek’, and the Christcuck takes that to mean that borders are against the will of God.”

A simple quote from the Christian Bible – not antisemitic.

2 (Chapter 26): “It’s possible to simp for women, for blacks, for Muslims, Jews or Christians, for drug users, for homosexuals, for rednecks, for children.”

Explaining the fact that it’s possible to simp for Jews – not antisemitic.

3 (Chapter 32): “The nightmare scenario is that another Hitler rises up to channel the incel rage against their enemies. The original Nazi movement was partially motivated by the everyday man’s horror at how slutty and degenerate the everyday fräulein had become under the Weimar Republic, and a future totalitarian movement could use incel rage to gain power. A new Hitler could blame Jewish media influence for why young men can’t get laid any more.”

Explaining the fact that a new Hitler would likely blame Jewish media influence – not antisemitic.

4 (Chapter 37): “Nazihippies don’t care about Jews beyond a general dislike of Abrahamism, and a general preference for non-Semitic spiritual traditions.”

Pointing out that nazihippies are indifferent to Jews – not antisemitic.

5, 6 (Chapter 38): “One of the reasons why Hitler was able to summon so much rage against Jews was because of the widespread belief in Germany that Jewish men had played a disproportionate role in the buying and selling of these child prostitutes.”

Stating a historical fact about why Hitler won so much support – not antisemitic.

7 (Chapter 39): “The most difficult thing to grasp about all this is why white people are doing it to themselves. It isn’t easy to understand why – it seems at least masochistic, if not outright suicidal. This has caused a number of conspiracy theories to arise, including the usual anti-Jewish ones.”

Here the book specifically decries anti-Jewish conspiracy theories – not antisemitic.

8 (Chapter 41): “Sometimes it is said that, when the Day of the Rope comes, there will be no more liberals/globalists/Marxists/Jews/Trump supporters. In such statements one can hear an echo of the sentiments that inspired the Drang nach Osten. This is the great, unspoken danger inherent in Clown World: that the suffering caused to people by the ineptitude of their ruling classes could find expression in mass murder.”

Pointing out the established historical fact that incompetent democracies set the stage for the rise of authoritarianism – not antisemitic.

9, 10 (Chapter 46): “If all of the Jews were kicked out of the West, the niches that they currently occupy would end up being filled by white people. Evidence for this comes from the fact that Japan and South Korea have also descended into Clown World, in many ways even worse than what the West has. But Japan and South Korea already are ethnostates, with hardly a Jew to be seen anywhere.”

Here the book explicitly states that Jews are not to blame for Clown World – not antisemitic.

11, 12 (Chapter 83): “Although the Merchant has a Jewish appearance, this is incidental. The ugliness of the Merchant is not because he is Jewish but because he represents the ugliness within all of us.”

Here the book states that the ugliness of a popular cartoon meme is not because the figure is Jewish – not antisemitic.

Those are the only 12 times the book references ‘Jew’, ‘Jews’ or ‘Jewish’, in 300 pages. Nowhere in any of those 12 references is there any call to violence, intolerance or hatred. Nowhere in Clown World Chronicles is there any evidence of that which I have been accused of, accusations which saw my right to free expression and my ability to put bread on the table for my family stripped from me.

How a book that explicitly decries anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and which explicitly rejects blaming Jews for Clown World, can be banned for antisemitism would be a mystery, if we didn’t already know we were living in Clown World.


Clown World Chronicles is the definitive guide to the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles from 2021 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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Anatomy Of A Shitfight

Please sign and share the petition to have Clown World Chronicles uncancelled from sale in New Zealand!

Clown World Chronicles is the best-selling and most highly-rated book that VJM Publishing has ever produced, and one of the best books published by a New Zealander in 2021. Like everything good, some people hate it out of petty spite. This photoessay details VJM Publishing’s encounter with one such spiteful turd.

The authoritarian who posted this tweet has had it in for me for some time. I suspect him to be the one who ratted me out to Marxist Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt for selling ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ t-shirts on TradeMe. Hunt then went bleating to the mainstream media to say that I was “ideologically adjacent” to Brenton Tarrant, which started a major shitfight.

Byron Clark is the embodiment of Tall Poppy Syndrome. No-one is interested in reading anything he writes because he’s not very intelligent or original. He has no books of his thoughts available for purchase, highly-rated or otherwise. So he devotes himself to destroying those who are intelligent and original.

Byron Clark was the Coordinating Editor of the November 2011 issue of The Spark Magazine. As editor responsible, he published an advertisement for t-shirts depicting the logo of terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (see page nine).

This terrorist group is responsible for a string of terror attacks that killed dozens of people. In selling t-shirts to fund their actions, Byron Clark has acted as a fundraiser for terrorism, and should therefore be under the close watch of New Zealand security services.

Instead, this authoritarian far-left extremist is let loose to terrorise wrongthinkers online.


Fundraising for a terrorist organisation in Palestine is the closest Clark has ever come to being influential. There is little doubt that Clark has remained on the radar of Western security services ever since running that advertisement.

As such, there’s no shame in being attacked by the likes of him. If anything, it’s a badge of honour.

Clark had another go at deplatforming me in June 2022, and succeeded, this time ratting me out to a compliant TradeMe “Trust and Safety” officer named Olivia.

At least he’s spelling my name right now!

The further impoverishment of a working-class pauper trying to make a living through contributing to anthropological science is evidently a great success for the warriors of socialism.

This time Byron got his wishes. ‘Olivia’ was happy to cancel me by deplatforming Clown World Chronicles, making it harder for me to make a living.

Excited by the smell of blood, other authoritarians like Massey University “researcher” Donna Carson joined the attack. There are few things more pleasurable to society’s scum than a pack assault on some defenceless person, and Carson duly leapt in to help destroy my livelihood.

For what it’s worth, Clown World Chronicles mentions ‘Jew’, ‘Jews’ or ‘Jewish’ only 12 times, and none of those times promote or glorify racial, sexual, religious, political or other intolerance, hatred and violence (see link for proof). Clark and Carson are liars.

Incredibly, TradeMe continues to sell Mein Kampf. By what possible logic is Clown World Chronicles more objectionable than Mein Kampf? None. There is no logic here, just panicky, dumb animals following crude impulses and whimsy. A boot stamping on a human face, forever.

The story does not end here. I wrote the following email to ‘Olivia’, stating that I felt that TradeMe’s actions were discriminatory and, therefore, illegal.

Olivia didn’t bother to answer my email, so I started contacting lawyers.

The case soon picked up attention in the alternative media, with the legendary Stephen Berry covering it on the Mr Berry Mr Berry show.

Meanwhile, the lawyer contacted me and suggested to call me on Monday.

The next step was to create a petition demanding that TradeMe reinstate sales of my book (you can see the petition here).

Kynan Jones quite rightly pointed out that the right to freely discuss political ideas is foundational to our society. Without it, we are little better than slaves. Wretches like Clark would reduce us to such a status, where no-one was free to speak about anything without first getting permission from their rulers.

TradeMe’s reputation taking some hits. It could be that their decision to ban me reflects a lack of oversight on account of staffing shortages, or a similar reason. Maybe their Trust and Safety team is shorthanded and some dude posing as ‘Olivia’ pressed some buttons too soon.

Bob Wessex of the Bobbing Along show said some words on my behalf, which was very kind. Having read Clown World Chronicles, she knows the allegations against it to be false.

This was Bob’s submission to the petition, which by now had over 200 signatories. The allegations made against the book by authoritarian leftist extremists are lies, and, not only that, they are examples of the same cancel culture that Clown World Chronicles devotes an entire chapter to.

Write a book about cancel culture, get cancelled. That’s pure Clown World.

Another signatory to the petition said out loud what everyone’s thinking: this is insane. It’s insane that a book like Clown World Chronicles might be banned from sale when the seller is happy to sell Mein Kampf. Cancel culture and financial gulaging are insane, antisocial actions more befitting a medieval mob.

Linda Daniel rightly points out that TradeMe here is not acting in a very inclusive manner by banning Clown World Chronicles from sale. Neither are they respecting the intellectual diversity of New Zealand by banning Clown World Chronicles. In banning Clown World Chronicles, and in not banning Mein Kampf, what message were TradeMe hoping to send?

Why is it that a Ngati Porou author who satirises the global ruling class is banned, while a white terrorist fundraiser is given platforms in the mainstream media, all in the name of anti-racism?

Clark and Carson don’t yet have a gulag system to put people like me in, at least not a physical one. So they have to put us in a financial gulag, where we’re not allowed to buy and sell, or communicate our ideas. We can’t make a living if our access to markets is shut off. So they shut us off. Far-left-wing extremists using corporate allies to smash diversity of thought and opinion, in the guise of being pro-diversity – it’s not just globohomo, it’s also Chapter 2 of Clown World Chronicles.

The harassment has continued into 2024, with Donna Carson on Twitter telling lies about ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ t-shirts.

Own Or Be Owned

Most Westerners are starting to realise that their positions are little better than those of chattel slaves. The average Western worker now understands that they will never own their own home, no matter how hard they work, because the house price to income ratio is too high. Awareness of this state of affairs is causing widespread misery.

If you control land, you also control the people on that land. It follows that anyone who doesn’t own land is the slave of those who do. Non-landowners, as a class, are effectively put to work by the landowner class. Proof comes from the fact that the average hours worked to pay rent alone is not much less today than the average hours worked full stop during the medieval era, despite centuries of labour-saving technological advancements.

If you don’t own land, you have to pay rent to someone who does, otherwise you die of exposure to the elements. If you try to live on land that you don’t own without paying rent, the Police will come to smash you and throw you out into the street. So in order to make money to pay rent, you have to labour for a second landowner, who takes profits out of your productivity. Then you have to pay income taxes to the Government, representing the landowner class in the abstract.

This arrangement was tolerable when the worker had enough money left over, after profits, taxes and rents, to enjoy a decent standard of living with a decent amount of leisure time. But this hasn’t been the case for decades now. Moreover, it is getting worse. The average worker now labours all week, often 50-60 hours, and is left with almost nothing after the landowners have taken their cuts.

The reason why this state of affairs is so heavily resented is because it’s reminiscent of a state of barbarism. To labour all week and be left with nothing is similar to the system that existed when we were earlier primates, where might makes right and anything you can extort out of another person is legitimately yours.

In a state of Nature, your options are: own or be owned.

Males of sexually reproducing species compete for territorial dominance, because this implies control of the resources in that territory. Whoever can establish that he is willing and able to kill the other also wins the ability to control all the resources of that other. Because females of sexually reproducing species are primarily concerned that their mates demonstrate a capacity for resource acqusition, there is a strong incentive for males to own as much as they can.

In human society, the most valuable thing you can own is other people. Ownership of women allows you to control reproduction. Ownership of men allows you to control resources. Ownership of both allows you to control society. Owning people is heavily incentivised because the more people you own, the more secure your position.

Most people in our supposedly free societies are owned, little different from livestock. This is especially true of those who labour all week but are left with nothing after profits, taxes, rents and basic living expenses are paid. This isn’t categorically different to how a unit of livestock produces e.g. a certain volume of milk but is not paid for it.

Some other people are owners. In every stable society, this ownership class raises a police force from among the owned. This police force is then paid, and paid well, to enforce the ownership claims of the ownership class. Without such a system, a society will collapse into violence over control of land. As such, a police force that smashes anyone who questions land ownership rights is essential for stability.

Wealth, throughout history, was primarily a matter of how many other people you owned. If you were the patriarch of a large family, you might control a dozen other people. A chieftain of an average village might control a dozen dozen. The lord of a fiefdom might control a dozen dozen dozen.

Today, people are owned indirectly, through owning the land underneath them. This allows for great profits without having to go through the hassle of managing people. The owners of tenement housing don’t have to worry about what their tenants do with their days, as long as they pay the rent and don’t damage the housing stock.

If life as a non-human animal is kill or be killed, life as a human is own or be owned. Class and caste systems can be seen as ways to formalise the ownership arrangement so that societies suffered less internal conflict.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles from 2021 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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Why The Government Lets Violent Criminals Run Rampant

Many were stunned by the news this week that Daniel Havili, who killed Fau Vake with a coward’s punch in Auckland, was sentenced to a mere 33 months’ imprisonment. Havili will, in all likelihood, be released after serving a little over a year. Considering the historical severity of sentences for killing people, this is very close to getting away scot free.

This incredibly light touch comes in the wake of other soft sentences for violent assaults. In one notorious recent case, Mongrel Mob chapter president Terry Berryman was sentenced to 23 months’ imprisonment for an 18-man gang home invasion that stomped on a man’s head in front of his children. Most of the gang members involved were not prosecuted.

This has prompted many to ask: why such light sentences for such barbaric crimes?

These sentences seem incongruous with the fact that cannabis growers such as Harley Brown get a similar amount of time in prison for growing medicinal cannabis. Brown was sentenced to 27 months’ imprisonment for a piddling amonut of cannabis – at most $100,000 worth. This is for an “offence” that not even 51% of the New Zealand population believes should be an offence.

Other working-class whites, like Philip Arps, don’t even have to grow cannabis. Arps was sentenced to 21 months’ imprisonment for sharing the Christchurch mosque shooting video.

So why do violent criminals almost get a free ride from the courts, when peaceful people get smashed? Why would sharing a video attract a similar sentence to a gang leader doing a home invasion in which children are subjected to the sight of their father getting his head stomped?

The answer lies in understanding the motivations, intentions and aspirations of the ruling class.

Everyone who knows anything about psychology knows that violent criminals cheer at such weak sentences as the ones listed above. For professional criminals, arrests and prison time are just part of the cost of doing business. The lighter the sentencing, the lower the expenses. Therefore, the lighter the sentencing, the more crime pays.

These weak sentences mean that criminals can freely intimidate other people with threats of violence, knowing that the judicial consequences will be minimal. When sentences are as weak as they are in the West today, violent criminals get to reign in terror over the vulnerable (usually working-class) communities in which they reside. Even if the Police deal to them, they’ll be out again soon enough, and in most cases barely inconvenienced.

This end result – widespread terror – is not accidental. It is, in fact, the entire goal of having a justice system in which violent criminals are left to run rampant. In a state of terror, both individuals and populations are unusually willing to forfeit their rights, needs and desires. As such, it’s easier to rule over a terrorised population than a free one.

The Government allows violent criminals to run rampant in New Zealand for one simple reason: to terrorise the rest of us into submission.

VJM Publishing wrote in a previous article why the Government lets in terrorists like the New Lynn supermarket stabber Ahamed Samsudeen. The reason is the same. They let violent criminals run loose for the same reason that they let terrorists run loose: to maximise the degree of fear the average person feels.

Widespread fear makes the population submissive, and is necessary for any authoritarian government to maintain control. Without the fear, the population would rise up against authoritarianism and overthrow it. The fear beats them down and makes them suspicious of their neighbours and workmates, so that no-one organises any resistance.

The control system has many ways of spreading fear through the populace – the foremost of which is the mainstream media – but violent criminals serve this purpose as well as terrorists do.

The surge of adrenaline people get from seeing a patched gang member in public, and the adrenaline fatigue that inevitably follows it, primes people’s minds to submit. Engendering this submission, as George Orwell showed us, is the end goal of all political action and is the ultimate aspiration of the control system.


If you enjoyed reading this essay/article, you can get a compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles from 2021 from Amazon for Kindle or Amazon for CreateSpace (for international readers), or TradeMe (for Kiwis). A compilation of the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2020, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2019, the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2018 and the Best VJMP Essays and Articles of 2017 are also available.


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