A popular piece of wisdom holds that “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” This is supposed to imply that any individual with superior perception will inevitably rise to the top of any dominance hierarchy. The reality in a Slave Culture such as our own is different. In a culture as blind as ours, anyone who can see clearly will be blinded.
The blind, like all humans, will never simply accept the dominance of someone who claims to see things that they don’t. It’s not in human nature to do this.
If a one-eyed man entered the land of the blind and started talking about how he could see things that the others could not, the blind would rather deem him insane. They would adamantly refuse to acknowledge that any higher insight to their own was possible. The land of the blind would have its own dominance hierarchy, and its own incumbent alphas, and they would defend their positions.
If the one-eyed man insisted that he could see things that the others could not, he’d be declared acutely psychotic. The things seen would be dismissed as hallucinations, and it would be declared that these hallucinations were brought on by excessive stimulation, and they’d forcibly sedate him. They might put him in a cell so that his disturbed mental state didn’t upset others.
Eventually, they’d just rip the eye clean out of his head. They’d come to the conclusion that there was something wrong with the function of the eye itself, and that was why he couldn’t break the delusion of being able to see things that others could not. Better to just remove the offending organ with surgery.
Anyone who doubts the plausibility of this conjecture need only observe the way that our society today, operating under a materialist paradigm, treats those of a sensitive enough psychic disposition to detect a world beyond the physical.
In today’s society, anyone who claims to possess any spiritual knowledge whatsoever is considered psychotic. If a person makes a claim to some minor knowledge, they might be politely humoured, but anyone making a claim to major spiritual truth is despised as someone too weak to maintain a grip on reality.
Anyone claiming firm gnosis is simply dismissed as schizophrenic. Especially forbidden is any talk that we may be God ourselves. The mental health system might begrudgingly allow someone a belief in Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef, but any idea that all conscious beings are co-creating reality in the eternal moment is absolutely right out.
This is the land of the blind – the spiritually blind. The vast majority of the population either superstitiously follows a dead tradition or follows none at all. But we cannot expect that a spiritual man, should one arise, would be welcomed and his insight greeted. Far more likely he would be shunned as a heretic.
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Well, if you really had one eye to see while living with The Blind in their mythical land, you would never actually tell those unsighted ones that you could see!! You would just leverage your sight to have a better life, and perhaps help the blind citizens navigate in this Land so that they might have better lives too!