Is New Zealand Now A Police State?

The Great New Zealand Chimpout appears to now be a permanent state of affairs, as the Sixth Labour Government has doubled down on its suppression of free speech. Far from once having been the world’s leader in human rights, things are now worse than anyone could have thought possible. This essay asks – is New Zealand now a Police state?

The term “Police state” is used to describe a political regime that employs the Police to intimidate or destroy their political enemies. This is widely considered a moral obscenity for the reason that the Police are supposed to be there to keep the peace in a morally neutral fashion.

One defining characteristic of a Police state is “The inhabitants of a police state may experience restrictions […] on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.”

The home of VJM Publishing Vice President Vince McLeod was visited by two Police officers on Friday. Although they were asked to leave the property immediately on the grounds that they didn’t have a warrant, one of the officers had the time to mention something about “concerning posts made on the VJM Publishing FaceBook page”.

VJM Publishing is far from only one to have been targeted in this manner. Many Kiwis are aware of the current ongoing campaign of Police harassment targeting the alternative media and outspoken freethinkers. Alt-media mogul Vinny Eastwood has been targeted five times already, and a video of one particular harassment attempt has been viewed over 100,000 times on YouTube.

The purpose of these visits is, and can only be, to intimidate certain sections of the citizenry into silence.

Ideally, the targeted citizen will feel such an unpleasant sense of fear at armed Police coming to their house that they will begin to censor themselves, and no longer express views critical of the Government. The knowledge that they are being monitored is supposed to cause the citizen to think twice about which opinions they express, lest the Police come back.

This logic has underpinned all Police states and dictatorships throughout time. It’s the basic abuser logic of punishing any and all displeasing behaviour. Dissenters must be punished so that dissent is quelled.

New Zealanders are generally happy to glibly declare themselves a free people. After all we have such a thing as a Bill of Rights, and in that Bill of Rights it says in Section 14 that “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

However, if New Zealand Police officers are visiting members of the media for the purposes of intimidation, then New Zealand qualifies as a Police state. There’s no other way to describe a country in which the Government sends Police officers to intimidate people for expressing their opinions, when their right to express those opinions is enshrined in law.

Perhaps even more concerning is the willingness of the mainstream media to go along with this repression. Not only are the mainstream media happy to distract the people from this mass human rights violation, but they work hand-in-hand with the Government to manufacture public consent for the Police harassment campaign.

Indeed, Stuff admits that the Police have shared the secret watchlist with them, which is tantamount to an admission that the Government, the Police and the mainstream media are all working together. If that’s not a sign that the New Zealand Establishment is rotten with corruption, then no such sign is possible.

Some will be asking: where to from here?

New Zealand is likely to proceed along the lines of the East German Stasi model. This version of a Police state emphasises building a massive network of informants who are motivated to rat out wrongthinkers. Thanks to FaceBook, such a thing is trivial to achieve – it’s only necessary to appeal to the public to dob people in.

Much like New Zealand, the East German censorship system was applied despite the freedom of expression being enshrined in law. East German censorship was applied so that “Content which was considered harmful to the regime, or to communist ideologies in general, was strictly forbidden.”

The content that is and will be suppressed under the Ardern regime is content that criticises left-wing globalism.

It can be predicted that in coming years the Government will try to censor reports about the state of homelessness in New Zealand, because they want to import as many refugees as they can, and awareness of the housing crisis reduces the people’s will to do this. They will also want the media to not report on crimes such as Muslim grooming gangs or gang rapes, because this also affects public sentiment towards globalism.

New Zealand now effectively has the same thing as the Stasi, because Kiwis who share content considered harmful to the Ardern regime are getting Police visits. New Zealand doesn’t have a gulag system yet, but it could be argued that we have political prisoners. There are individuals sitting in prison for sharing a video of the mosque shooting, even though the video was shared before it was declared objectionable (and therefore the sentence is retrospective and not legal).

Philip Arps is not a very nice person, according to a number of accounts, but that’s specifically why the Government targets people like him first. They want to create the idea that everyone else they target belongs in a similar category. If they can manufacture the impression that independent media outlets like VJM Publishing belong in the same category of person as Arps, half the job of suppressing dissent is done.

There are also reports that Police have visited schools to intimidate pupils who have joked about the shooting or about sharing footage. This intimidation campaign amounts to an attempt to socially engineer the population into a more submissive and compliant state.

It can be seen that the Sixth Labour Government has introduced a Police state along the lines of Socialist East Germany. Expression of political opinions that the Ardern regime wants suppressed may well result in an intimidatory visit from the Police. The only way out is to ensure the coming to power of a force that respects the inherent rights of every New Zealander.


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13 thoughts on “Is New Zealand Now A Police State?”

  1. Well Said.
    All true.
    I am familiarising myself with the content of the UN Global Immigration Pact, and it is a frightening document of Socialist Doublespeak patently obliging Signatory governments to propagandise the UN Agenda in a positive light and enact laws that shut down and punish critics… the doublespeak is uner terms such as ‘Nationalism’… ‘xenephobia’ etc used in such a way to paint their critics as ‘Hateful’.
    It matters not that a person may be pro-immigration as controlled by their own nations terms and conditions… If that person is critical to the Mass immigration policies of the UN… they will be deemed to be Nationalist xenophobe AKA White supremacist Racists… whom the law will be framed to allow the Police to arrest and prosecute them.

  2. The public need to say NO to their fellow citizens being intimidated in this manner. Not many people realise that it is everyday New Zealanders who are being targeted. The Left’s creation of a moral panic (fairy tale) about mythical white supremacists is irresponsible. If they do exist, it is laughable; they would be a harmless group of disaffected males 🤷‍♀️. Time for the Government, media and police to start being honest about who is really terrorising New Zealanders – gangs!

  3. The Age-Old Strategy of Divide & Rule – Roger Hicks
    DIVERSITY is now part of the West’s age-old strategy of divide and rule (largely subconscious or obscured by Orwellian doublethink), whereby society is divided into a morally superior, now supposedly non-tribal, unprejudiced, “colour-blind” and xenophilic elite, on the one hand, and the morally inferior, naturally (evolved human nature being what it is) tribal, prejudiced, not colour-blind, but nativist and xenophobically-inclined masses, on the other, who must submit to the authority of and domination by their “moral superiors” (a moral animal like ourselves can be manipulated and controlled by a regime of moral rewards & intimidation as well as by one of material/physical rewards & intimidation).
    It is, in effect, a modern, secular replacement for the power-political role of medieval church ideology. Original sin (disobedience of divine, i.e. priestly/state authority) has been replaced by “racial prejudice” (the natural human inclination -like original sin – to identity with members of one’s own tribe, race or ethnic group, which was made responsible (wrongly) for the Holocaust and equated with the evils of Nazi racism), and which only submission to priestly/academic/state ideology and authority can save us from eternal damnation for, not as heathens and heretics, as in the past, but as bigots, xenophobes, nativists or racists.
    State and society conflate and confound very different aspects of the original tribal environment in which human nature evolved, long before the first states and civilisations emerged from it, with the modern “nation state” now deceitfully posing as our tribe or nation (intra- and inter-tribal environment) itself, while at the same time facilitating society’s SELF-exploitation (as an extra-tribal environment, on a par with the natural environment) to the personal advantage of its ruling elites and favoured (especially wealthy and academic/formerly priestly) clients, at the expense of society at large.

  4. The globalists are on the back foot.
    Ardern wont get another term.
    Their plans are backfiring , people are waking up

    Natkonalism is growing in all western democracies .
    And patriotic leaders are wining elections.
    This year us pur turn
    Please keep up your good work.
    Thank you.
    And happy new year !
    MNZGA… the plan

  5. The methods are exact, as described.
    The only way out, is the people not to submit and give in. That can and will ask for a price.
    I personally don’t trust the democracy in New Zealand anymore. Jacinda laughed and said “hurry”. As she was ask to the submission process in regards new gun laws. This shows her utter contempt in democracy. Therefore I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t calls for elections. Hitler did the same 1940.
    When you read the migration compact carefully. Then you recognize where the puppeteers are.
    The pattern are always the same.

  6. Had two cops come to my home and let me know that ” They are watching me” because i am anti islamic and anti left… so told em to piss off and closed the door on them….

    1. Can you explain how sending Police officers to harass alternative media figures acts to “prevent further corruption of our society”? I would argue that such actions are the corruption.

  7. They ain’t breaking my dissent,I’m a Nationalist. If I’m as evil as ‘they’ say…why ain’t I PM?
    Push any man into a corner and I’ll bet any real man would not be nice in the face of the enemy,otherwise he would not amount to being a man.

  8. I agree with what you say.
    Whats the plan?
    Do you want to dissolve
    Parliament ?Doing so would hold all the politicians accountable.
    If you really want the solution you would have already told how it can be done.You spreading fear is what government want.Why dont you tell people to go to government house 119 mountain rd epsom everyday 11am.or wellington but this is being kept secret by all media.The answer is there.

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