Hospital – hōhipera
Some prostitutes get shot outside a hospital and come inside to get medical care. The hospital is a whore helper.
School – kura
A courier rider rides through town, and eventually rides into a school to drop off a package. He’s the school courier.
Church – whare karakia
A ferry sails past with a church on top of it. Suddenly there is a big crack that splits the ferry in half, right up through the centre of the church all the way to the spire. The church is a ferry crack.
Airport – papa rererangi
A family is sitting at an airport. A young man gets off his phone and says to his father “Papa, Rory rang”.
Library – whare pukapuka
A ferry sails past with a library on top of it. Inside the library, two cars full of cow manure drive through looking for books. The library is a ferry poo car poo car.
Town Hall – hōro
Outside of a town hall, a number of prostitutes stand in a line. The town hall is now a whore row.
Railway Station – teihana rerewē
Outside of a railway station, a man sits balancing a pile of tea bags in one hand and a tea kettle in another. The railway station is a teahand railway.
Fire Station – whare tinei ahi
A ferry sails past with a fire station on top of it. Two firemen have one eye normal and one eye made of tin. The fire station is a top a ferry tinny eye.
Port – tumu herenga waka
On top of a cargo ship, two cows are listening to a noise below. Down below at the port, a man is using a weed whacker to keep some vegetation at bay. At the port is two moos hearing a whacker.
Post Office – poutāpeta
The Post Office is flooded, but a petal falls off a giant flower and lands on the water like a boat. The postman uses it to paddle out of the Post Office. He is a boater petal.
Museum – whare tongarewa
On top of a ferry, there is a museum. An electrician wearing a Tongan rugby jersey enters the musuem and pulls out some wires to rewire then. The museum is undergoing a ferry tongan rewire.
Tower – pūwhara
Atop a stone tower, a man stands with his son. The man points to an object and asks “What’s that?” His son looks through some binoculars and says “It’s a poo, father.”
The above is an excerpt from the upcoming Learn Maori Vocabulary With Mnemonics, by Jeff Ngatai, due to be published by VJM Publishing in the summer of 2018/19.