help – āwhina
A child cries: “I lost my letter R!” A man says “My dog will help you – he’s an r-finder!” His dog goes into the bushes and comes back with a letter R.
give – takoha
A family is sitting around eating Mexican food when a baby stretches out a hand and says “Give. Give. Taco here.”
share – toha
A lady at a party produces a bowl full of toes. She goes around sharing them, saying “Get a toe here.”
care – kumanu
A man cares lovingly for a cow, who shits into a wheelbarrow that the man wheels over to a gigantic pile of shit with a sign that says “Cow Manure”.
neglect – whakahapa
A child sits outside, neglected. Its parents neglect it by sitting inside partying. The child picks up some binoculars and sees a person playing a harp on a distant hill. It can see the far car harper.
contribute/provide – homai
A donations collector approaches a bunch of gangsters. One of the gangsters says “Okay homies,” and they all contribute some money.
kind/to show kindness to – atawhai
A really tough-looking man jumps when a nurse kindly wraps a bandage around a sore finger. She says “So you’re not such a toughie!”
nasty – whakawiri
A soldier says “I’m worried.” With a nasty expression, his sergeant says nastily “Fuck worry!”
support – taituarā
A tuatara, supported on the shoulders of two other tuataras, reaches up and pulls down a piece of fruit.
take – tango
A man holds out a twenty dollar note, and a couple tangoes up to him to take it.
thank/acknowledge – mihi
A man shakes hands with a doctor. The man says “I’d like to thank you for fixing my head.”
consider – whaiwhakaaro
A car drives around with three bagpipers leaning out the windows playing their pipes. A man looks at the piper car and says “They should consider those trying to sleep.”
The above is an excerpt from the upcoming Learn Maori Vocabulary With Mnemonics, by Jeff Ngatai, due to be published by VJM Publishing in the summer of 2018/19.