Are You Suffering From Retard Fatigue?

There are a variety of explanations for the general sense of depression and malaise in the Western world today. Some are saying it’s future shock, some are saying it’s climate change, some are saying it’s borne of economic despair, some are saying it’s the alienating effect of technology. This essay proposes a simple but outrageous explanation: we’re all suffering from retard fatigue.

The simple truth is that there are more retards around now than ever.

As technology and medical care have continued to advance over the past 200 years, a large number of people who were not intelligent enough to overcome the survival pressures of the biological past are now able to thrive. Because the extra population is filling the most marginal niches, the average quality of people is declining, and because the human animal has won its niche with its intelligence, that decline is most sharply felt upstairs.

Worse, these marginal individuals are procreating at greater rates. Because intelligent people have better things to do than mindlessly rutting, the vast majority of the children being born nowadays are being born to halfwits. Naturally, they carry on the halfwit genes, as can be clearly seen from the graph at the top of this article.

The average IQ of a person on this planet was already an unpromising 92 in 1950. By now it has fallen to 88, and looks set to fall below 85 (i.e. fall into the literal clinical retardation zone) in a few more decades. But not only are there more retards, they’re also harder to get away from.

The mass media of 2018 brings retards and retardation into our awareness 24/7. All manner of politically-inspired retards kill people every day, whether they’re motivated by Islam, Nazism, Communism or some other hate ideology, and it’s all beamed directly into our homes. The Kardashians and their ilk, for their part, may not be violent, but they still make a large contribution to the retardification of the airwaves, as do all the other reality-tv bobbleheads.

Social media has had the effect of reducing communication to the lowest common denominator, which means that the escape from mass media that existed a decade ago on the Internet has now also yielded to the pressure of the retard horde. Where it used to be possible to find intelligent conversation everywhere in cyberspace, nowadays that conversation only exists in specially curated communities that have sealed themselves off like monks awaiting the wrath of God.

As our culture continues to degenerate, it becomes ever harder to talk about non-retarded things. The vast majority of the population are now only capable of talking about things that appeal to the average or the below average.

This has created what we can call retard fatigue, characterised by a lethargy that is brought on by repeated exposure to low-IQ people without any means of escape. Although retard fatigue has long been a phenomenon in service industries such as hospitality, it’s only in recent years that society has suffered widespread hopelessness in the minds of individuals who despair of ever finding a switched-on person who can talk to them like a human being.

Part of the problem is that the usual avenues for escaping retard fatigue are gradually being closed off to us. Going into the university system was once the default life avenue for anyone too intelligent to handle the peasantry, but now even this is full of retards. The qualifications to study at university have been loosened so far that the system is now little more than a few years extra high school, only with no parental supervision. The hordes have swarmed in.

Even worse, university culture has now fallen victim to the same phenomenon that destroyed intelligent conversation in the mass media: political correctness. People have become so deeply conditioned to feel shame whenever someone accuses them of any immorality or prejudice that they just keep their mouths shut rather than risk it. Of course, this doesn’t stop the retards, who then have no rivals in conversational space.

People have forgotten how to unplug from the machine and take time for themselves, which means that dealing with the hordes of tards can get extremely tiring. It’s also depressing. As mentioned above, the average world IQ is steadily decreasing as the retards keep breeding. This means that, unless drastic measures are taken, retard fatigue is only going to intensify in coming decades.

The only truly effective treatment for retard fatigue is to cultivate quality relationships with non-retards. It’s best if this is done pre-emptively, as part of the practice of good social hygiene, but if the reader has already fallen into a deep state of fatigue they may have to do so as a method of treatment. Speaking with someone who isn’t retarded is often all that is needed to restore a will to live, as well as faith in humanity and in natural selection.

Of course, this means you have to not be a retard yourself. Psychological science tells us that the majority of retard fatigue will be caused by people who are not aware that they are retards – and this potentially means you. It’s wise to have something interesting to talk about that hasn’t been dictated to you by the television. Demonstrating that you are capable of original, self-directed learning will both attract intelligent people and repel retards.


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