This photoessay, to be taken between now and November, will chart the failure of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential bid. The medium chosen is the form of screen captures of my BetFair account, in which I document making heaps of money as Hillary’s campaign goes down the toilet.
01 MAY (the day God told me Hillary was going to lose)
21 JUL
28 JUL
03 AUG – Hillary storms back into a dominant position! Must be time to load up on Trump some more…
04 AUG – Over three months until the election, Hillary is in to $1.33. The Donald has blown out to $4.50, are we going to look silly here going against the Clinton machine?
11 AUG – The Donald collapses on news that he has been encouraging his supporters to kill Hillary Clinton in event of him losing the election.
14 SEP – after surging for a while, concerns about Hillary’s health come into play when she falls ill at a 9/11 memorial.