Looming over the world stage of today is a shaky alliance of groups who not only appear to have little in common, but whose goals appear to be directly antithetical to each other. There is, however, a unifying tenet within this group of people: that order is inherently bad. In other words, they are chaos worshippers.
On the surface of things, it’s not obvious what a homosexual rights activist might have in common with a Muslim. Homosexuals are hated by Muslims; the Koran and hadith make it clear that homosexual acts are sins deserving of punishment.
Indeed, in all of Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty.
Nor is it obvious what either of these groups have in common with communists. Both Islam and homosexuality were heavily suppressed by the Soviet Union, with adherents of either practice regularly shipped off to the gulags.
So what is the basis of this modern alliance of homosexuals, Muslims and communists?
The answer lies in what Nietzsche called slave morality. In particular, it is the resentment of the weaklings towards the strong that have seen those weaklings put their differences aside (or at least pretend to) and unite against The Man.
A similar phenomenon can be observed in chimpanzee troops, where weaker males sometimes come together in order to take out an individual stronger male.
Essentially what many individuals in these groups have in common is a grudge against the current order of things.
Homosexuals want to be treated with the same respect as heterosexuals, but they never will be because their sexual orientation does not maintain the existence of the human species.
Muslims want to be treated with the same respect as non-Muslims, but they never will be because the moral principles at the foundation of their religion lead inevitably to segregation, mistrust and violence.
Communists want to be treated with the same respect as those of other political orientations, but they never will be because their philosophy expresses a contempt for individual human life that the majority of people consider abhorrent.
Because all three of these groups have found themselves in a position of weakness, on account of that all three of them have been shunned for expounding a way of life that is detrimental to the human survival project, they have found cause to unite around their common resentment of the current order.
Their resentment is so great (this being the outwards projection of their immense self-hatred) that they have no interest in modifying or refining this order.
What they want is simply to destroy it. Whether or not a better order will arise after this act of destruction is not important. The overall goal is to destroy the current order.
In other words, many individuals in these groups are chaos worshippers.
Chaos worshippers don’t believe in correct order. To a worshipper of chaos, all order is bad because it is all oppressive. Thus, any individual or group serving to maintain that order is the enemy, no matter who they are or for what reason they maintain order.
Sometimes the chaos worshipper goes as far as to disbelieve in concept of order at all. This can manifest as a refusal to believe in the march of history.
Some chaos worshippers believe that the laws of human psychology that have led to the march of history no longer apply, or that things will be different this time. As a result they refuse to learn anything from history, mindlessly insisting that the world can be made into a paradise merely through sufficient adherence to an ideology.
One disastrous consequence of this attitude has been the European decision to let in tens of millions of Muslim immigrants in the belief that they would all decide to fit in to the local culture and essentially become Europeans with slightly swarthier skin.
The reality is that mass immigration of anyone to a foreign locale almost never benefits the locals, as is plainly obvious to anyone who has studied any amount of history.
This is irrelevant to the chaos worshipper, for whom mass immigration has the benefit of destroying existing social bonds at all of the local, national and super-regional levels.
In other words, mass immigration of obviously incompatible cultures is great because it spreads chaos. This is why chaos worshippers universally support it.
After all, if you are a pathetic loser at the bottom of society, then all order is bad. All order is oppressive. All order is necessarily immoral. All order is “keeping you down”.
So for these losers, enslaved not by chains of iron but by chains of silver and gold, destruction for destruction’s sake has become its own imperative.
This is the form that slave morality has taken in the 21st century.
Funny. I don’t feel so weak anymore.
I don’t think the world needs any more people than it already does, writer.
It’s the alt-right that has taken up chaos worship of Pepe. Not us.
The only reason I was against this flow of order was that 1. it was not my instigation but the instigation of man’s greed and 2. I believe all chaos is misunderstood order and 3. I felt pity for your future. Felt.
Let me tell you a little secret. It’s not the feminist movement that led to women’s rights. It’s the technological progress and the safety it provided that led them to more outward expression. It’s not the LGBT movement that led to our enhanced rights and ability to survive. It was the future overpopulation and the problems they might possess that led us the freedom from sexual labor.
When I figured that out, I was not exactly pissed, since I’ve never been part of the LBGT movement – but I totally lost interest in politics and the so-called power of the people. Society has seen people as tools and always have. Do you think this sudden surge of disparagement of straight white men is just a coincidence? It isn’t. The world is seeing less use for sexual fertility and tribal segregation for its development. The world is reaching 8-9 billion soon maybe more, child rearing is no longer about quantity but quality, and natural and resource preservation is becoming more and more important than expansion. It was never about human dignity. It was always about human utility. I always hated that about humankind.
The only other way this pattern can be broken is through “destruction” where society has more need for strong warring men where people are again split apart into color and language and race and humanity has once again found a need for unlimited (and even forced) fertility and dis-unity. I.e. Chaos.
Perhaps that could happen, writer. I don’t really mind terribly much at this point. But I’m not exactly its proponent if that’s what you are getting at. I didn’t need the spotlight. I only needed the breathing room. We certainly have that now. The spotlight is more than I required but apparently the society decided to go extra.
I don’t buy Nietzsche, I never have. I tried. I tried…… so hard…… I can’t. I believe in the dignity of all souls; man, woman, young, old, poor, rich, slave, master, king, warrior, magician, lover. Obviously my own and even yours. It’s all-hate or all-love for me and nothing in between. And I always see far and play the long game far beyond the illusion of any duality, at least that of this world.
It’s true that I wanted to destroy this world, but that was not out of self-pity. It was for you, and for want of a completely different world that is less boring than the current one.
I’m sorry for pitying you. Perhaps that hurts your integrity and dignity more than my hate could. I’ve done my fair share of both far more than any soul should do in one lifetime and lately I think I retired from both. I promise I will do less and less of either.
I’m aware you may disagree with my assessment of our current social structure. But I am… a mystic, first and foremost. Not a master, and certainly not a slave.
But I can do both quite well.
En Garde, writer.