Clown World Chronicles: What Is A ‘Roastie’?

In Clown World, relations between all groups have broken down as the general social order regresses towards savagery. As discussed at length in another chapter, this is particularly true of relations between the sexes. Part of the breaking down of relations between the sexes has been a rise in derogatory terms such as ‘roastie’. This essay explains.

In a state of Nature, the female of the species controls access to sexual reproduction on account of that only she can reproduce. This grants her a tremendous amount of power. It means that the social order of every sexually reproducing species is arranged around her and her needs. This is why peacocks dance to impress the females and not the other way around, and why those manning the lifeboats on sinking ships cry out “Women and children first!”.

The female-first approach taken by Nature led to a variety of goddess-worshipping cults and a matriarchal social order in the primitive human. As the social structure became more sophisticated, the matriarchal model started to get outcompeted by more patriarchal models with distinguished hierarchies. This process, leading to civilisation, developed a number of methods to even out the natural gender imbalance.

The Abrahamic solution was to declare women to be subhuman. Bible verses such as Timothy 2:12 state that women are to be subservient to men. Islamic culture openly considers women inferior, sometimes going as far as mutilating the genitals of infant girls with the intent that the decreased capacity for sexual pleasure is more likely to keep them faithful.

For many centuries after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the West operated on the Abrahamic model. Women were subjected to horrific abuse intended to cause them to submit to men. Ever since Hypatia was murdered by Christians in 415 A.D., women who demonstrated too much intellectual independence were simply killed. This state of affairs lasted for over a thousand years.

When the deathgrip that Abrahamism had over Western morality started to weaken with the Minor Renaissance, men started wondering if the mass enslavement of women was really in accordance with the Western soul. This led to the emancipation of women, a phenomenon that didn’t reach its full expression of power until the contraceptive pill was invented.

With women’s liberation, the power that Nature had once afforded them came back.

This worked out well in cases of high-IQ, good-natured women, who were able to break free from tyrannical masculinist strictures that were crushing their potential. In cases of low-IQ or poorly-natured women, the consequences were abysmal – falling for the first alpha male to show them attention, they were regularly inseminated and then abandoned to raise a semi-feral generation of children.

This cohort of semi-feral children is one of the reasons why Clown World is the way it is. We have regressed into a more primitive level of civilisation, and one consequence is women starting to exhibit pre-civilisational mating patterns. Part of this is a return of hypergamy (discussed at length in another chapter), a biological phenomenon in which the majority of women are attracted to a minority of men, meaning that some proportion of young men are left out.

Many young men feel a deep sense of resentment at all this, not least the ones unfavoured by women. Some of them can even become virulent incels like Elliot Rodgers. There are enough of these men to have created an entire anti-woman subculture – one that hates women, hypergamy and especially feminism. The men in this subculture are the ones who use terms such as ‘roastie’.

‘Roastie’ comes from roast beef, which is a reference to the belief (held by many young men in Clown World) that the average woman has taken so many cocks that her labia has become deformed, such that it now appears much like a roast beef sandwich. Leaving aside whether this is anatomically possible, the fact that this belief is widespread speaks to a fundamental corruption of romantic values. Women are seen with disgust instead of wonder.

An often accompanying belief is that society has decayed so far that all women are now whores, whether naturally or whether influenced to be so by mass media and culture. In Clown World, women have no interest in forming healthy romantic relationships – they simply flit from one ego-fuelled act of rutting to the next.

As could be guessed, the sort of man who thinks like this doesn’t have a lot of experience with women. They don’t realise that the sort of woman who sleeps with 300 guys is usually mentally damaged and her lust for Chads who treat her poorly is an expression of low self-esteem. Mentally healthy women might be serial monogamists who bounce from one relationship to another, but few have taken so many cocks that their pair bonding mechanism is damaged.

In any case, young women yearn for an end to Clown World at least as much as young men do.

Most young women would very much like to find a young man worth settling down with – but there aren’t many. One reason why these young women cast their nets wide is because the quality of the average man has declined, meaning that finding a man of the desired level is harder. That isn’t the fault of young women any more than any other Clown World phenomenon – it’s just the hand we were all dealt.

The solution to the roastie problem is not returning women to second class status, but restoring men to first class status. As Confucius told us over 2,500 years ago, the prevailing attribute of the feminine is devotion – but she has to have something worth being devoted to. Clown World won’t end until men are once again masculine enough to inspire devotion through their ability to impose order upon the natural chaos of the world – and when that day comes, the roastie problem will solve itself.


This article is an excerpt from Clown World Chronicles, a book about the insanity of life in the post-Industrial West. This is being compiled by Vince McLeod for an expected release in the middle of 2020.


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Te Reo With Mnemonics: Banking And Money Words

Money – pūtea

A mafia godfather is on the phone in his office. An underling comes up to him and says “I’ve got your money.” The mafia godfather points to the top of his desk and says “Put ‘er here.”

Money (II) – moni

A bank robber is making a get away in a car with a back seat full of cash. The cash in the back seat keeps complaining about being stolen money, so the robber says “Can you guys stop being so moany?”

Bank – pēke

A man is climbing a mountain range, and as he comes close to the top he discovers a bank hidden among the peaks. He found the bank once the mountains started getting peaky.

Cash – ukauka

A man walks into a brothel, and says to the madam “I want two women at the same time.” The madam motions to a room where two women are waiting and asks “Cash or card?” The man hands over a sheaf of twenty dollar notes. He pays cash for hooker hooker.

Account – kaute

A man walks up to a bank teller, who is in the process of putting on a heavy lambskin coat. The man says “I’d like to check my account.” The teller says “Sure, just let me get coated.”

Loan – pūtea taurewa

Two women are sitting beside each other on a tour bus. One of them says “I’m going to have to end the tour soon because I’m running out of money.” The other woman says “I got an enormous loan so I won’t have to end the tour ever.”

Savings/Investment – pūtea penapena

A tribe of pens elect one of their number, the greatest, as their leader. He is the pen of pens. The first thing he does is go into a bank and opens a savings account.

to save – whakaputu

A woman walks through a shopping mall with two demons on her shoulders telling her to buy this and buy that. They want her to buy everything. She says to them “Fuck up, you two, I’m trying to save.”

to spend – whakapau

A woman looks at a bank of computer equipment as a man explains his security camera arrangement. She says “You must must have spent a lot of money.” The man says “I spent money on professionals because I wanted to avoid a fuckup.”

Overdraft – tarepa

A man dressed as a fur trapper enters a bank. He is carrying some fur traps in one hand and some furs in the other. He puts the furs on the counter and says “I’d like to pay off my overdraft.”

Mortgage – mōkete

A man walks into a house with an armful of kettles. His wife is inside, and she asks him “Did we get the mortgage?” The man replies “Yes, so I thought I’d celebrate with more kettles.”

EFTPOS card – kāri utu ā-hiko

A woman is trying to buy something at a dairy. She is holding out her EFTPOS card and waiting. The girl behind the counter is trying to hiccup and this is preventing her from setting up the EFTPOS terminal. The EFTPOS card won’t get used until the girl behind the counter can carry out a hiccup.


This wordlist is an except from Learn Te Reo With Mnemonics, a book being compiled by Jeff Ngatai for an expected release at the beginning of 2020.

If you would like to support our work in other ways, please consider subscribing to our SubscribeStar fund.

Te Reo With Mnemonics – Voting and Elections Words

to vote – pōti

A line of people enter a polling booth and cast their votes, then walk through into a room where a party is taking place. To vote is to party.

Election – pōtitanga

A man appears to win an election, and then walks up to a child’s potty and starts licking it. The election made the man the potty tounger.

General Election – pōtitanga whānui

At a General Election debate, representatives of various parties take turns to show their commitment by licking a child’s potty in the centre of the stage. A man in the audience finds this shameless display of lust for power hilarious, and cracks up laughing. This man finds the potty toungers funny.

Party – rōpū tōrangapū

A political party enters Parliament, all of them eating apples. One of them gets tangled up in a rope, and the rope tears the apple from his grasp. The political party was involved when the rope tore an apple.

Policy – kaupapa here

A bunch of politicians look nervously into a paddock. In the paddock there are a herd of cows, led by a very large, hairy, father. One of the politicians points at the herd and asks “What’s our policy for dealing with the cow papa hairy?”

Voting paper/ballot paper – pepa pōti

A man stands by a stovetop, cooking a pepperpot stew. Into the pot on the element the man adds some pepper, then a sheaf of voting papers, and stirs them around. The voting papers went into the pepper pot.

Electoral roll – pukapuka pōti

A collection of electoral rolls sit in a store room, with everyone’s name, occupation and address. The doors open, and a herd of pigs enter, set up some music, crack open some drinks and start playing poker. The electoral roll room got turned into a porker poker party.

Labour Party – Rōpū Reipa

A man dressed in red and wearing a Labour Party rosette stands on a stage with ropes around his shoulders. He breaks into a rap about the Labour Party. The Labour Party man is the rope rapper.

National Party – Rōpū Nāhinara

A woman dressed in blue and wearing a National Party rosette is trying to climb up into an attic. A man with nine ears – four on one side and five on the other – lowers a rope down to her and she climbs up it into the attic. The National Party woman got up thanks to the Rope of Nine-Ears.

Green Party – Rōpū Kākāriki

A woman dressed in green and wearing a Green Party rosette is an overseer on a cotton plantation. Instead of swinging a whip, she only has a rope, which hardly cracks at all. The Green Party woman is the rope cracker.

New Zealand First Party – Rōpū Aotearoa Tuatahi

In a troop transport plane, Winston Peters is standing next to a door along with a number of paratroopers, all dressed in black and wearing New Zealand First rosettes. The door is blocked by a rope. Peters pulls away the rope and shouts to the paratroopers “Out the door! Do or die!”

Maori Party – Tōrangapū Māori, Te

A giant turd, wearing a Maori Party shirt and wearing a Maori Party rosette, dictates orders to a set of terrified underlings. The Maori Party is the tyrant poo Maori.


This wordlist is an except from Learn Te Reo With Mnemonics, a book being compiled by Jeff Ngatai for an expected release at the beginning of 2020.

Te Reo With Mnemonics: Spirituality Words

God – Atua

At a beach bar somewhere in Greece, two gods are chatting (imagine Achilles and Apollo). One of them says “Yeah, I’m really into art.” The other god says “Oh I’m into art, too.”

Supreme God – Io-matua-kore

The Supreme God shows off an invention. It is a clockwork android named Corey (if you know someone named Corey, like the cricketer Corey Anderson, imagine that the android looks like them). The Supreme God says “This is Automatic Corey.”

Spirit/Soul – Wairua

A man dies, and it’s possible to see his soul leaving the body as a bright golden wire.

sacred – tapu

A tarpaulin is staked to the centre of a large lawn. People approach it with reverence and bow down to it. It is the sacred tarpaulin.

Life force/Vital essence – Mauri

Late at night, a lawnmower sits on a grassy verge. Suddenly, it is struck by a lightningbolt. The lightningbolt seems to impart some kind of life force or essence into the mower, and it starts up and starts mowing.

Prayer – Karakia

A family sitting at a kitchen table give a lengthy prayer before starting on a meal of a single cracker.

Curse – Kanga

A priest is just about to get into his car when a kangaroo jumps on the bonnet, damaging it. The priest shakes his fist at the kangaroo and yells “Curse you!”.

to bless – whakamānawa

After a battle, a man-of-war enters a temple and is greeted by some temple whores. The temple whores bless him for his service, and then take him into the back room. Their post-blessing intention is to fuck a man of war.

to sanctify/consecrate – whakatapu

A man and his son are both dressed in holy garb. The man is teaching his son how to consecrate a new temple with a holy water sprinkler. “Righto son, let’s get consecrating,” he says. “Don’t fuck it up.”

Wise man/Sage – ruānuku

A wizened old man with a beard and a staff calls into a ruined temple and an echo comes back. The sage caused the ruin echo.

Material/Physical world, Earth – ao mārama

From a spaceship, some aliens look out at Earth. They zoom in on a small part of it, and see and old man hammering plates for a suit of armour. On Earth is an old armourer.

Priest – tohunga ahurewa

Three men stand in line at a McDonalds. One is dressed as a Maori priest, the other two are elderly and dressed in neon clothing like ravers. The priest is in line with two hungry old ravers.


This wordlist is an except from Learn Te Reo With Mnemonics, a book being compiled by Jeff Ngatai for an expected release at the beginning of 2020.