In very simple terms, my belief is that the supreme being is one that not only knows all but understands all, as to simply know is not enough. While my belief in the supreme being is somewhat my own thing the closest person that comes to mind is Thoth the Atlantean who was hailed in Ancient Egypt as the God of writing, magic and wisdom. Coincidentally (or not) my plan in life is to become like him in that sense as much as I can, and I do this through continued study through every field prioritized by usefulness at present time against the potential value of understanding something, and then to some extent applying such information.
In my own reality, I classify the fields of acquiring knowledge into two categories:
- Knowledge of the physical universe of matter, what we can observe
- Knowledge of the spiritual and high universes, for most this, what we cannot observe in the present time
Knowledge of the physical universe is simply the world around us and what we can, in terms of the natural malleable environment. For myself, I go about acquiring this knowledge through continuous and rigorous study of the STEM sciences in order to understand more about the world around us and bring myself closer to the state of the supreme being. Science to learn about the various areas of the physical universe and specific knowledge of every area in existence. Technology to be able to apply any piece of man-made or other technology in the space of the various universes for the benefit of me and my allies. Engineering to learn how to control and manipulate matter and be cause to the world around us and Mathematics to be able to both understand the various rules of the universe and be able to communicate new ones in a clear cohesive manner to other scholars. While not strictly required, Education is good for being able to train others in each of these areas.
You can go about your entire life simply doing the above and make reasonable tracks whilst being validated at various steps of the way, there is no strict path to accomplish this. I myself traverse the world of academia and plan to study at least a Bachelor’s degree (with Honours) in each of the STEM fields and then perhaps subsequent Masters and Ph. Ds allowing me to both learn and contribute to the knowledge base for each one in my own time. This can take an entire lifetime to accomplish and is a ‘good enough’ purpose for one to truly bring themselves closer to understanding.
However, I myself yearn for greater pastures and in my risk-seeking nature opt for higher bridges of learning. Knowledge of the spiritual and higher universes consists of study into practices which involve those that are not necessarily observable. This may be controversial, but I take each area of spirituality as a viewpoint and then in my own reality I synthesize and bring them together to my own viewpoint, my own being something I would publish as my own area of study in maybe 20-30 years, once I have understood as many as I possibly could.
The controversial part being you could take and hold viewpoints in various spiritual practices, and then synthesize them based on what you have observed and what is useful. for example, Reiki, Bowen and perhaps one you may not have heard of, but I would recommend the Melchizedek Method which all has a primary component of application of the various techniques.
You may ask why I do this. Well, I have a high-risk band and I want to win. If something like levitation or teleportation is possible, I want to be the first one to do it. It either is possible in this form or not or maybe I have to take another form, who knows. I take pleasure in studying both classifications of knowledge, as the most obvious is that, even if taking the spiritual viewpoints to fall through, then I at least have a comprehensive understanding of the physical plan and can boast through my retirement years that I achieved a lot with this model I created while enabling me to take the risk of studying things which perhaps may not come to pass. I believe that there is a disconnect from, my own observation, that many spiritual people lack knowledge in the physical universe while many safe and risk-free individuals lack the bravado to venture into the realm of possibility and theory. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but it could be better.
I personally have benefited from studying the various spiritual beliefs across the world and have personally observed these in action. However, the main limitation from studying these is that I cannot actively validate these for the average person, partially due to it being in another dimension and partially because some are incapable of observing such marvels in the present universe. One of my life purposes is to validate some of these on a physical level, perhaps I think levitation would be the honours and comparatively more realistic compared to teleportation, and, if not, then a measurable honours significant effect of using healing techniques could be achievable as time goes on.
In the end, you can take this viewpoint I have constructed as something that is self-evident but further as a viewpoint in a field of many. I believe one could follow this model and do no wrong save if they follow a school and become so focused on that one area that they neglect others, and to some extent, this purpose requires a lot of vigour and information to learn how to learn to achieve a high outcome in life. Me, I want it all, and my first objective is to determine how to live as long as I want to without my body deteriorating so I have control over myself, without having to commit bad acts.
Daymond Goulder-Horobin is an academic in Economics and Data Analytics and holds a Master of Business in Economics and a Graduate Diploma in Data Analytics. He is also an executive member of the Internet Party NZ and plans to follow them to the 2020 election.